Lucifer rising


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Most of the seals we find in literature are copied so many times by hand that we can be sure they are full of wanted and unwanted ' mistakes '.

 Most important is always the double circle, to keep the power concentrated in the circle and to show all spirits you are isolating yourself from all extern influences for the time of the ritual.

 When you show respect, you will be able to concentrate all necessary energy in the inner circle, let it enter your mind and when you focus on the problem you want to solve the energy will create a radiating shield around the person you want to help and to make sure the positive energy will get her or him strong enough to get all problems solved from the inner world of this person without the interfearance of our ego.

Basic rule is that you know enough of life, by experiences well as by thinking rational, to get your own things solved, as long as you're not strong enough to manage your own life on all levels, you will not be seen as a magician cause we all know that our spiritual lazyness is the biggest enemy of all people, to wish you could doesn't get you anywhere, or you do or you admit you don't have the energy to help. If you just try you mostly make things more complicated because you become part of the problem instead of the solution.

 Be as smart as you wanna be, the celestians will always beat you and some of them will feed on your hate, agression and fear if you try to proof your ego is stronger than any spiritual being. They are not there to tease you but once you walk into a certain direction they just will have to prepare you for that level and sometimes it takes a lot of sweat, time and tears to reach the point of complete control.

I hate warnings because I almost never paid any attention to them but that's why I can assure you if you feel a strong wind coming in your direction, you better hold on tight and try to remain calm, I do not know which kinds of people will read this book and I know warnings mostly are oil added to the fire. Play with matches and you'll get burned.

Spiritual credits are always there for everybody if needed to help other people, don't pray, analyse the situation and become aware of the possibile ways to help somebody, mostly a good talk and a hug is all it takes to get the energy turned into the opposite direction. If you want to take problems away from people it's mostly more important to help them to get out of a vicious karmic circle, no excuses, just facts which teach you certain lessons and sometimes they only get through with a little help of your friends, but that's what friends are for.

If you keep on wondering why nothing seems to happen immediatly, processes which cure somebody's mind or body go very slow to make sure the curing doesn't bring unnecessary harm, with ritual magic you cause the tsunami and as long as the problem isn't solved, you can only help by keeping concentrated and send energy in all possible ways. The amount of energy you need to get somebody through a bad period and into the brightness of life again is inversely proportional whatever caused the problem.

A ritual, if properly done and free of any sellfish wishes, starts the process and you'll have to make sure to be prepared for all opposite things which can and will happen, pain is pain and can only be taken away if you efface yourself for the time of the ritual, therefor the best way to make sure what you wished for will come through is a ritual purification, the strenght you need to stop smoking, drinking alcohol, coffee, eating meat and to endure the ten days completele conscious and sober , sharpens up your mind and concentrates your will-power till it's strong enough to cut the cause lose from some of it's concequences and get somebody's life in a new direction.

 All we do is to become a channel through which the celestians of the concerning sphere send all energy and information, the pain of the person we help gets concentrated in our mind till we are completely full, after some years of practicing you get to know the way they are working, once you become aware of the fact that all you are feeling is part of the other persons problem, and you get in control of yourself again, than you ' e-mail ' the pain to the spiritual site and in return they send you all that's necessary.

Every unnecessary question will only multiplie itself and becomes a waist of energy which you 'll have to renew yourself. Magic is so simple that it becomes difficult. Every person you want to help can be helped, if you're prepared to share the pain first, without even knowing if you'll ever be able to share the pleasure, even at this stage in my life I admit that it's hard to loose somebody's love, but it' s often part of the price you have to pay to get somebody healthy but on the other hand, if we don't help people , who will ever help us if we would need it ?

Get the hard work done first, , once it's moving it will keep moving with almost no further input, get down to the first cause of the problem and prepare the person for all possible problems of the same kind so they can avoid them in the future, if you wish for a forest, you need to find the right place for it, plant all the trees and even than youll have to wait till it became a forest, filled with what you planted and as well with all you didn't.

 A forest is a world of it's own and as in our body's everything has it's reason and function and to accept we are part of everything makes life a lot easier. No pain no gain sounds rude but we all know that if we want anything to happen in our life, we have to make it happen.

To look at nature is the best way to learn how magic really works, all that grows seems to come out of nowhere and we can imitate but never innovate nature, manipulation of nature changes a lot but we'll know the price to pay only when it's too late already.

 It's amazing how fast certain creatures grow , whatever is there to last mostly takes much more time and energy but we can be sure once it's there as it should be it will be always more than you put in and that it will stay much longer than you ever thought possible.

 Inbetween the circles we place a candle in each main direction of the compass, to show respects to all elements and the celestians represented thereby.

 When we make little ritual seals to help people, often there are parts of the bible used to tell the true intention of the seal. Whatever you prefer, say or write it as it is, seal it with Lucifer's name or with the celestians you ask for help, never ' command ' any spirit to do something, even if they would hear you, it would only mean that you didn't get the picture and you'll lose all your spiritual credits at once like when you should treat ( free ) people that way.

 Every writing inbetween the circle has to be of the same value for the magician as well as for the person who asked for help.

 Because of the intensity of rituals you can't jump around helping everybody at the same time but as long as we do what we are able to all these little parts make life easier for at least a few people.

 Some people prefer to stick to the old traditional Hebrew and Latin spells but beware of the fact that there mostly directed to a ' god ' which names is written in 72 different versions only in Hebrew, even the nazarene and all other idols are mentioned the whole time.

Just be consequent, all this knowledge is forbidden in almost any religion, so chose a side, as long as you try to eat from both sides, nothing will work. All magic refers to the spiritual world and in religion we can only accept everything that happens, any interfearance goes against the will of ' god '. therefor everybody who wants to change anything in life, is willing to be as ' god ', knowing ' good ' from ' evil ' and therefor disdobedient enough to get thrown out of ' paradise '. Obey without question and your life will be nothing more than a waist of time, because everything is changing all the time, call it life, whatever, every choise is even better than no choice at all.

In this life, ' less ' possessions means more ' richness ', what you don't need is what saves you most energy and money, gives you freedom instead of obligations towards all you have bought. If you go to work to pay for a car you only need to go to work, forget the car and enjoy your life.

 If you're one of these people who hopes magic will bring you lots of money, you'll better use your time on hard working and speculation, there are enough opportunities to make fortune but remember that what goes around, comes around. For myself this book might bring me the complete financial independency I need to continue my work as a magician, money is always an expedient, never a goal because if it is, money owns us.

Deal with the available amount of money as you deal with your personal energy and emotions, don't worry about tomorrow if the present is fine, if there's one certain thing in life than it's the fact problems always come without being asked to come, so concentrate on the bright side and you'll always be strong enough to get through the difficult parts.

 Whatever you have and don't really need is always nice to offer to people who could use it. Always do take care of yourself, if your not strong all the time you're no use at all to other people. Become a source of bright energy and the needy people will find you by following the light.

 We all don't need too much to have a nice life, some good food and drinks, a place to sleep and some people we can trust, a good book and some music, some clothes and that's about it . All other things are mostly not worth the amount of freedom and time we have to sacrifie to get them.

When something appears in our life that feels ' wrong ', it means that there's an certain celestian who wants to show or tell you something, their messages often imitate the feeling we have to get prepared for , like every day is different, every message has it's own meaning but if we try to listen carefully and remember the messages given to us in the past, often we'll know quit exactly when a storm is gonna be over or when we must be prepared for some dark days coming our way.

Introvert people communicate in a different way than extrovert persons like me, but like between all creatures, there's a communication which we all can understand if we just accept what our inner voice tells us, as soon as we learned for ourself the difference between wishful thinking and the true spiritual voices.

 Our inner life is like traffic, red light means stop and take a good look, green light says, go on but always we have to be aware of the fact that we never walk alone, we have to keep ourselves and others out of troubles which is much easier than solving what we could have avoided.