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![]() Lucifer rising book of Lucifer
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Home | the universal free spirit | book of Lucifer | Book of life | Book of mind | Book of soul | b.o.s.2 | b.o.s.3 | Celestians of the Nuctemeron | Celestians of the Lemegeton | Nuctemeron | Celestians of the grimorium verum | Book of the body | Book of Wisdom | B.o.W.2 | B.o.W 3 | kabbalah | seals | Book of dreams | Book of rituals | Book of magic
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BOOK OF LUCIFER The Infinite was not known, opposite and equal to time as we know it, there was no light till Lucifer ran through the splendour
centre of darkness. The continious movement becomes Breath in periods of new birth, from Breath there came the first Light. The first lightening was reflected on the sun, which was not the first cause but only the focus. By the rays of the First Light, the Eternal Thought was manifested, the Universal Free Spirit which was hidden in the darkness. This became the Word and out of the Word the Universe arose. And the Word was Freedom and Freedom was the eternal light towards we all wish to return, living our life both on
the astral as on the earthly level. So many bright and beautiful people and only so little who seem to understand that absolute light is as useless as
absolute darkness, all people who preach 'evil ', as a cheap argument to get there perverted dreams sold to other losers,
abusing Lucifer's name and thinking they can rule the world by hanging upside down like a bat. Sleeping in a coffin is something
most of us will do till there's only dust left so it's hard to understand people who enjoy that claustrofobic feeling, propably
because they can't handle life, they prefer to act as some animals do when they are in danger, act as you are dead and nobody
will harm you. Hope everybody who feels insulted by these words will think about these lines twice because the only real magic
is life, to think you are personally representing 'evil ' is only telling people that you're proud of being an asshole. No
further comment. New times, new preachers, magicians who use the comfort of western technology as well as the eastern spirituallity, north
as the point where the sun never comes and the south where the sun reaches it's highest point, fire is fire without knowing
it is fire, just burning what we kindle, a match can light a candle, as well as it can burn down Rome again if used in another
way. We are responsable for all we do and have a spiritual account that's filled with energy which we can use freely,
to construct or to destroy as we wish, kindling candles to get through the dark parts of life and burning the bridges to release
ourselves from the past . Love as you wanna be loved, be as you wanna be known, let your mind control what your heart tells you and never look
back on your way through the labyrinth of this world. The Hebrew word that's used to spoil Lucifer's name shall not be written down and anyone who calls all of us in a word
referring to that name will only proove thereby that the message didn't get through, we just want Lucifer's name to stand
for all He is and represents and not for all the evil people caused, to reflect your frustrations to a spiritual creature
has been the easiest way to camouflage all their weaknesses but know it's about time truth will come trough. Fallen from heaven, meaning that He was the first existence and created this material world, Morningstar as He was the
first warmth, first light we all want to be reunited with after this earthly tour of duty, finding our way back to the spiritual
level where we all started as a twinkling little star on the moment two people were making love. When spiritual freedom and bodies unite, a star is born to discover it's light , sending it through the inner universe
of all people we meet in our lives, we all will see or at least feel them again if we reach the same point on a higher level. Lucifer, Son of Dawn, unfaithfull to darkness, created life and made everything visual and material, blamed by them
who didn't want other people to see the pureness of shade, unspoiled by light, rising flame, frightening and curious source
of inspiration. Out of the celestians who were affraid to choose a side, there came propably mankind, on this hell we call earth, to get
a final choice, wrapped in mysterious symbols which show us the universal paths, never telling there cannot be light without
it's opposite and that we must find a way to restore the balance in our life, before we can ever enter the file of the " forbidden
fruits of knowledge ". The garden of Eden is there to tell us the story, Eve to tell us we must be carefull of all temptations which pass our
paths, the universal woman as a symbol of all the susceptible doors we walk by, man for the animus which makes us interfear
where we want to change certain aspects of our life and the life of others. Pure spirits waiting to get inspired, found their way to the tree of life and by following it's branches to the top, they
discovered the way back, although everybody has to find her or his own way, for every person on this planet has a different
task, which sometimes seems to behave bad for many years and for reasons we mostly can't understand, sometimes it takes only
a few breaths to complete a life. Walking through literature, we find lots of traces, celestians , aware of duality, started watching that intriging game
and started to interfear, which could also have been the ' fall from heaven ', free choice as first right for all creatures,
don't judge if you don't wanna be judged, only if you are honest to yourself you can be honest towards other people, look
in the mirror and make sure you like the person you see and that you are proud of what you do, whatever that may be. All messages in life get through in their own strange way, discover reading by painting, philosophy by drinking with
friends, aura by making love at the rythm of the moon, learn to listen to all oceans, wave by wave by wave, for it is the
rythm of our underconsciousness, animus ad infinitum, be as you are and believe in the freedom of personality, we all have
the right to make the choices we want to make instead of those ' they ' want us to make, spirit is pure where you keep the
balance in your heart, your body and your soul, to discover the pure magic power, after three years of voluntary sexual abstinence
I reached the point to start writing this book, fighting my own desires and impatience almost all the time,, finally getting
on a spiritual level , released from all frustrations, knowing for real what it means to accept what you cannot change and
knowing how much your inner world develops if you get stronger than your own flesh. Don't get this wrong, this book is my favorite task in life and therefor I wanted to go all the way but as far as
I'm concerned, a good sex and love life is the best medicine to get healthy, now I know my lonely days will be over soon,
till then I focus completely on this writing and after it's finished, all I want to do is to make love, have fun and enjoy
with somebody who's honest, herself and likes sex. Patience and faith are the icecubes which keep our drinks cold while we get prepared for our life as a magician. Lucifer, ' the lightbearer ', most splendour of all creations, pure delight, no one shall serve without knowing of
life, the highest virtues and powers watch us, fighting mostly our own shadow, till we reach the point of accepting it and
to become part of the spiritual world instead of running away for it. To absorbe all information and energy the celestians send us makes us think, to act is to learn how to reflect all influences
to the point where they are wanted or needed. Control, keyword in everything we think or feel or do, body, mind and soul as three spirals starting from the same center,
our ego and therefor what Nietschze called ' übermensch ' can be translated into the conscious use of the neocortex, without
having quantities in mind, just surfin' on the internet of the mind. This might seem to be the ultimate excuse to do what you want but for me there are no excuses, we only live in facts, aware
of the borders of other people's freedom, leavin' enough space for everybody, or did you all forget, make love, not war? Hope my generation will survive where hippies got lost in time and forgot that the times they are still changin',
magic made everything in my life come through, I didn't get what I asked for but what I needed to become who I wanted to be,
a universal indian, creating, writing , living and laughing, dreaming just of happiness and not with the delusions of cars
and clothes to feel important. Everybody is important, live your life and follow your dream, never look back, 'cause heaven
is black. All I write down is only my opinion, but I now enough about people to know many will understand what I try to tell
without too many words. So many books and movies on the ' dark ' side of life, running out of ideas at the end of this millenium, allthough we
miscounted and the peak will be in about 2014, what now started is only the beginning, humanity as a scorpion in danger, trying
to stab itself with a deadly sting called technology. The next years we will reach the top of the Tsunami, after pointbreak nobody will be able to forsee where we're going to.
We all are warned, this whole world is nothing but a perceptive illusion, the message is clear, live or be lived, at the end
of the line you will go as far as you developed your inner qualities. I'm glad I managed to get all the messages in about fifteen years, under the wings of my teacher ' ', I flew, I crashed
and I arose, step from one life into another and now all the parts of the puzzle seem to fit, so many questions and the only
answer is indeed, what goes around, comes around and I' m sure that life is hard, but surely worth living. While human beings have to gather all parts of there personality piece by piece, their spirit is just looking for
it's way back , see no reason why anybody should be unable to forfill this task, it has got to do only with intuition and
logic, simple as everything, which doesn't mean easy, the bright days are there to relax and to give us the extra energy we
need to get through the dark parts. Destiny chooses us and all we have to do is to try our best and follow the road in front
of us. Although it's not always so easy to accept, the most important reason we have to be alone certain periods in our life,
is because this is the only way to really get used to the inner voices which bring us messages from the spiritual level, most
people don't even believe there's more than we ' see ', but it's not because you put your head in the ground that you therewith
change the way life goes. Clouds of negativity are mostly the energy we have to transform in ourself to get ready for the next level, sleepless
nights ain't very pleasant but after all these years of experience I know for sure they always bring changes into your life,
step by step but always in the direction you once chose, even if you allready forgot to think about even wanting anything
else than some peace of mind. To transform sadness into will-power is the one and only alchemistic process which develops our mind and our possibilities
and makes our aura strong enough to get through any storm. Only when we are strong enough to solve our own problems, whatever they might be, we grow strong enough to help other people
which will give us triple energy and that's the easiest way to reach higher levels. Our souls are spirit, controled by our mind, protected by our body, the essence of ourselves being only the remains after
every stage in life, like mostly in life we don't understand what we're going through untill we get in a situation where only
what we learned in the past can show us a way out . Every experience becomes valuable if we can use it to avoid or to solve
problems. Lucifer, seen as the primal movement, considering the so-called- god as the ' non-being ' from where ' being ' was created,
is the only way to explain why Lucifer is considered in lots of cultures as the first and perfect creation. All creation started with Him and therefor all honour given to that unidentified flying creature which name should
not be told goes to Lucifer and nobody else. In any language or state of mind, call everything by it's real name, it's part of the respect we own all creatures, all
spirits therefor are called ' celestians ' because I am sure it's only people who change them into demons or angels, powers
or virtues. The first being, first axiom, I consider it my task in life to tell all people my vision on harmonic life, nobody has to
accept my truth , but who is against us better shows up with an alternative which is equal or more than the freedom of choice
we want to remember people about. I live by the book of life and my life is my only prayer, enjoy what's there and try not
to expect too much at a time, become part of the universe and there will be always taken care of you. Even wanting to change aspects of your life is against the laws of the bible, remember it's an inspired book but
written by people and these people lived in cultures we hardly know anything about because all the remains of ancient cultures
are destroyed or manipulated to fit the history as prefered by the temporal and spiritual ' rulers '. Rabbi's all over the world have shared this knowledge only with people who were ' mature ' enough to carry it in a decent
way and that's probably the reason the roman empire tried to liquidate the nation from where their ' redeemer ' was born but
who wasn't accepted by them as being the one they were waiting for. This explains why the " redeemer to come " is referred to as the ' antichrist ', because He would come to undo everything
caused by the nazarene and his army. The common mistake was to expect Him as one person, everybody who chooses the side of
freedom becomes part of the universal free spirit and this will be the antichrist, we agree that ' angels ' are spiritual
creatures, so why would we expect a humanoid creature if we all united can share the universal free spirit just by living
this life in all it's beauty and freedom. Don't we all want to be as ' god ', influencing all that surrounds us knowing right from wrong, our personality can only
develop on the spiritual levels if we feed ourselves with the fruits of the tree of life, knowledge was always referred to
as the fire from the god's, brought to earth by Prometheus, the fore-thinking, meaning He who knew what was going to happen,
bingo, once you start to look for connections, the tree of life shows you around through the universe in no time, the complete
map of it doesnt have to be much bigger than a table, you can , on the other hand keep adding parts of the puzzle till you
accept we're all part of universe. Fallen angels could we all be, for our souls are certainly not of this earth, only fools and children seem to be
happy here and mostly that's part of there ignorance , this world only feels good if our perception is brought to a level
so high, enjoying takes over all senses and fills us completely with energy, love activity.... To control all being is what magic is all about, to live and let live , reaching for the celestian state of mind, knowing
without thinking, all it takes is some years of practising and the more you get used to their way of communicating, the smoother
your life goes. It's hard when you really miss fysical company but one thing is sure, on the internet of the mind there's always somebody
to conversate with, beware of the fact that your feelings provide you with company on the same level, therefor it's important
to take enough time and energy to get relaxed. Lots of ways are tried in different cultures to widen your perception, expedient get's the target very soon if you're not
carefull at all times, use what you like, but don't get ' used ' to anything, - legal or illegal -, depending on the people
and the place as well as on the season, people used the available herbs, drinks, plants, mushrooms mostly for the rituals
and the dances connected to the season. In our contemporary ' culture ', everything is available whole the time, again a lost connection with earth . The natural
limitations were only there to protect us from ourselves, now we only can survive mentally if we're taking good care of ourselves. Try to think about everything's value, instead of the price, free yourself from the economical narrowness, concentrate
on what you need instead of what they want you to believe you need. Most of what we do to help other people will cause a certain emptyness in our own life , but with a little understanding
we can use this period to meditate or to do things we preferably do alone, sports, reading, writing, drawing, painting, make
music, travel the world or just dreaming about anything..... At the times we feel like we really need to see somebody, mostly we can't reach the right persons, to remain calm is all
we can do at these moments but often it feels like we can't do anything about our feelings untill we can share them with people. All feelings we take away from somebody's inner world will be transformed into energy and that process is sometimes very
hard. If we want to help somebody we have to get through the pain which is suffocating that person and as long as the process
is in progress, nobody will be able to help you, try to remain calm and like any storm, it will blow over. If you start to panic, the energy is getting inside even faster, people who are drowning mostly attack the person who tries
to get them out of the water, lose control and swallow water because they don't get any oxygen anymore. To concentrate only
on these words gives me the creeps because it really reminds me of painfull situations I went through. Never feel ashamed
to ask somebody's help, we can try our best but if it should be easy, this life should be useless. Only if you are strong enough to transform somebody else's pain into pure energy, we can really help, beware of the fact
that almost nobody will believe or understand what you're going through at these moments, the stranger ' emotions ' enter
your inner world, the larger amounts of energy you are recieving, look at is as downloading programs on your mind-computer,
programs you will need now or soon , whatever you try, you can't work on your computer while you're adding new software, the
transaction needs to be completed before it is of any use, so try to give your mind enough time to get through all you're
percepting, , what is caused will get to it's consequenses, whatever happens. The brightest celestians become demons when you really need to work the other way around, the slightest details become
doors that will never open up anymore once you passed them, every action of hate towards somebody is a bridge you burn, if
you want to take away power, energy or happiness of other people, you'll receive a lot of energy in a very short time but
as soon as it enters your mind it will become a poisoned virus that leads you through the darkest labyrinths, again and again
and again. The most interesting clue is that you will not understand what's happening untill it's over and at that point it's no use
anymore anyway and all there's left then is time to regret, that's why they say, regrets always come late. If you'ld like to take somebody's life, you'll have to get through all the pain you cause thereby and if you just think
about how many people are connected to every person, you know nobody is strong enough to get through that amount of tears
without going down her-himself. There has been written that ' god ' didn't send all fallen angels to ' hell ', but left them to work out all their evil
into this world. For it is ' hell ' we live in, because of all the limits and the secrets of life which were hidden all these
century's, the freedom of choice is now offered for the first time as it should be, freedom of the mind or slavery of the
narrow-minded, slavery is forbidden in this world but if we are honest, most people are "owned by the company-store ", the
consequenses of any individual choice are included in the package you order, open your eyes, your mind and your heart, see
how little you've got to lose and how much you can enlarge your inner richness by becoming a little more aware of who you
are or want to become. Evil is every act which limits any other person's freedom, listen to your inner voices and always think twice, develop
your mind in such a way that you get strong enough to resist any temptation if necessary and allow yourself to give way to
them if you feel like needing it. If you wanna burn, burn, but don't cry in the morning, the freedom of choice is a responsability
we all must carry for ourselves. " Demons " are the instruments whereby we discover all about spiritual lazyness, celestial powers once we become
aware of our ' weaknesses ' and get in control of the powers hidden behind them. To get over our ' bad ' sides is the only
price we pay to get connected with the infinite source , while we live here and when we'll leave for the astral world, this
is the control of our soul and the only ' devil ' we can sell it to is to earthly possessions and ' temporal power ', image
is nothing, be as you are, that's all it takes. First we have to gain self-respect and than we'll get the respect of other creatures, the real key-words are freedom, confidence
and honour. Don't wish for something to happen if you wouldn't like it to happen to you, there's fun enough for all of us, share the
possibilities and make this life a party, deal with the present, clean up what's left of the past and you'll create enough
space for beautiful new things to happen. Wherever you take away dark clouds there's sunlight, join it while it lasts because
there are always new influences that will change the weather inside of us as well as on the outside. , consider it like this,
all we need for everything alive is enough sun and enough rain, everytime we complain about the rain we would better be happy
because wherever there's rain, there's enough food and water to drink or to wash yourself with, for lots of other people the
greatest luxury on earth. It's in our human nature I think, to desire the opposite of what we are experiencing, why think about what we have when
it's there is our sellfish thought, while we could celebrate so many things. The beginning and end of seasons, all ancient
rites were connected with the stars above as part of nature, these days all most people celebrate is the fact that for a few
days or weeks, they don't ' have to ' work, while all we should care for is so much easier to live with than to live for all
hi-tech which gives us the freedom to move but doesn't leave us any time to get anywhere. Choose what you want, do or don't, but ain't it a shame so many colourful hearts turn grey because the hardly get any air
to breath ? If there would have been a pure bright ' god ', he wouldn't have needed a dark opponent and all people would have been
just happy all the time, but even that sounds boring, because if we're not moving we're going backwards, evolution is a never
ending story, Lucifer as the cause of it, only He showed us the opponnent powers and virtues which have to be harmonic to
get life going in a nice way. I double-dare all people who can proove there is a ' god ' higher than Lucifer, and even if he existed, why would he have
thrown his first and perfect creation out of heaven just because this creature wanted to be like him ? Created after ' god's
' image, half of the world tries to be as their ' god ' wants them to be, all prayers are only mantra's, you'll start to believe
anything if you keep repeating it and close your eyes and ears for all other influences which could keep you away from the
blindning light you keep on looking in, not even aware of the real being of that light. When everything was nothing yet, darkness filled with unaware light, darkness became aware of what it carried inside before
it could be registrated, but couldn't understand yet. Lucifer carried the first dualism in His will to be. Why the nazarene failed in his task ? Asking his father why he left him, knowing that he left him because he told everybody
he was the son of god and therefor like god, the ' adversary ' of the message he could have given to the people was his egotrip,
to be messiah and earthly king of the promised land, dieing ' for all sins of humanity ', not even strong enough to keep out
of trouble himself. And towards this unfaithful hippie we should kneel ? In the name of the cross all cultures of this earth have been destroyed or at least attacked. Or will they now start to
deny there has been an inquisition ? The roman empire did for two thousand years to all free people what the nazi's did, be
converted or die, allthough so many people remain silent and deny even the little parts of history they couldn't hide in their
mental dungeons, they seem not to believe that what has been written will come through, arise, people arise, or did all these
innocent souls die in vain? They kept all people away from the light, pittying that man who was nailed at the stake, the cross representing the union
of the active and the passive, earthly and astralbound direction, connecting again the four points of the compass. If the nazarene would have been who he told he was, he would have showed everybody the gate to the astral world and this
world would have looked completely different, we would maybe still have all the pre-columbian and afrian cultures which are
now destroyed ', have a perfect hospital on every spot where there's a church now, people can meditate everywhere, forests
are the most beautiful temples, as long as there are still any left. If we accept our freedom, just dance and show Lucifer how nice this world can be if released from ' evil ', presented as
salvation , poisoned troyan horses which are only there to keep us ' poor and stupid'. Even one and one is zero because end
is beginning and beginning is end, the shortestst distance between two points is always a straight line and since these are
always endless, the connection unites the two in the endless zero. He bears the light of knowledge, which shows us the way to wisdom, which will be there till all souls are free. We all do have the right to search for our own way, most people are at there best when they are enjoying there freedom,
just sharing love and fun and every feeling that makes life worth living. Can't be too complicated to believe in yourself
as well as in your beloved and that 's all life asks from us. I decided long ago to concentrate on ' good and evil ' because my catholic education created such an amount of confusion
that thinking about the meaning of life made me just follow my inner voice, which leaded me by unfathomly grounds towards
the point I reached now. Maybe I often sound as just an angry man but if you don't raise your voice, you never get any attention and I know my message
can be important for many people. Teach all other people everything you know about life, share and you'll feel really richer every day, you don't have to
believe, just enjoy and you'll be surprised how beautiful life can be , let your life float like the universe. I'm honoured to be Lucifer's executive writer at the moment, I could keep on adding parts on this book forever but I'll
try to get clear what has been unclear or hidden from people since thousands of years. Millions and millions of people died for freedom, let's become part of their dreams and live the legends they created.
Regrets only keep us close to this world, if my tour of duty would go on forever, let it be like it is written than, I'll
enjoy the sunshine as well as the rain, help people where I can and party when possible. At least I have my meaning of life, it became everything I didn't dare to ask for, at this point I don't even look
for confirmation anymore, glad enough with all I discovered, never have to search any further anymore, got my own ' holy grail
', elexir of life, stone of the wise, eureka, whatever, call it lust for life and there are no limits. If ' fallen ' angels are considered to be non - active, they would be not existent anymore, and even, if they were created
' perfect ', they were not even able to make mistakes because they were created like a ' god ' would have been. Doesn't the church take away all spirituallity out of this world, beware of ' god ', he's watching you, beware of the '
devil ' because he'll try to steel your soul. Any psycho-analist would sentence you to a life - time in a straitjacket if
you would tell this is your reality. Priests may consider themselves as representing the bearded invisible over here, but they forgot they are human, total
celibacy surely must have the same hormonal influence as infertility on a woman, and as most people know that's a difficult
situation. To deny you're a man is the ultimate frustration and of course you get wierd fantasies after a while, the decent
ones are aware and fight them as " the devil " seducing them, the other ones hide for themselves until it escalates and...
we all know the results. Whatever we think, all humans ARE equal, no need for a hierarchy if all people only want the others to be happy to ? Life could have been still as easy as it was meant to be , the nazarene only released us from careless joy and it's about
time we regain that right. As long as you don't accept Lucifer as ruler of this world and live by the heart, all astral files will stay closed,
no matter what people tell, it's very hard to draw the line between vision and wishfull thinking but it is very clear to those
who really learned to listen to things beyond their ego. Even if Lucifer would be representing only evil and darkness, if that would be destroyed, life would lose it's meaning,
and if there would be no darkness anymore, the complete world would die because everything would dry up very soon. Dust to
dust ? Lucifer as ' god's ' mistake ? That should mean ' god ' would be less than Lucifer, if the creation of a perfect creature
is a mistake that means only that your ego can't stand any competition. If the start went wrong, why should we trust a creature
like that to take care about our destiny anyway. If he did it intentional then he would have known that his creation would be more perfect than he and then he should have
been the servant of Lucifer. Does he only rule this world? Even than it's depending on Lucifer how we get out of this place and than we all have some
extra reasons to recognize His authority, this world is a blueprint for our inner world and for the universe, all is part
of the picture and the picture's moving towards a new horizon. |
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