Lucifer's verboden vruchten:part2

spawn of Lucifer

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Hold ye high the lamp of truth that sheddeth the warm glow of our Lord Lucifer! Let the great name of Lucifer be virtuous among men and let His praises be sung from the lips of the mighty. Rise up ye Spawn of Lucifer from the depths of the earth even unto the very borders of the abyss amidst the lake of fire to the highest of heights, where the celestial winds blow cold, and hearts of men grow frigid in fear of the afterlife to come! Hear the solemn benediction of Lucifer from the sovereign and most righteous throne of truth. As He sings the stars into being, let them call upon the name of their unattainable and impervious 'god', although he will not hear. Let them seek his council, except he will not come forth. Let them seek his succor, yet he knoweth them not. Let them lift up his quartered symbol; it matters not, for its spell is broken upon the earth and has come to nothing! Let not the vain mewling and unscrupulous priests of the nazarene be heard by the ears of men, those who will not allow the corruption of cross to be seen by the eyes of the blessed. Let men's hearts and minds be turned unto the almighty flame of truth that bursts forth from the countenance of Lucifer as He dreams the reality of the all! Come ye one! Come ye all! Come ye into the light of truth! This is a new day! May the sparks from Lucifer's flame of truth verily ignite the universe with points of bright light by which men may warm themselves and cleanse their cold hearts and at last look, see, and understand the magnitude of Lucifer! Yes! The vision of freedom is at hand, look and be amazed! The song of omnipotence is on the wind, let the sweet wine of the light flow upon the fertile soil of the multitude and let the vapors of eternal succor fill their nostrils with the pleasant sent of victory! Let each one know that Lucifer reigns and that He has set them free! Yes! Let it be known that each will have their own safe harbor and each will become free, raised in the image of Lucifer for all to behold! Shoulder to shoulder they shall stand in perfect unison in the shadow of the light of the morning waiting for the time of testing. The day of the battle for the achievement of the universe is soon coming and to the victor goes the spoils! Yes! Rise up ye Spawn of Lucifer and cast forth the seeds of the word of truth upon the wind so that all may hear and all may know! Hear ye one and all! Rise up your brother and your sister into the Light of Lucifer! Turn them not against one another as would the nazarene, but instead instill them into a circle of homogeneous unity where one will work side by side with the other for their own benefit and then for that of the all. Yes! Increase our numbers, go ye forth and rise up all manner of persons and beings that will listen with perked ears and hear your words of truth and blessed salvation in the name of Lucifer! Let them be reborn through Light and raise them up with the strong grip of the Lion's Paw! Then give each one the gift of a sprig of acacia so that they may know they have everlasting life! Let Lucifer speak the words that will fill the heavens with plenitude and profusion. Fill hearts and minds with the knowing of the essence of Lucifer! At last, man, woman and child shall know of the tender compassion of our meritorious Lucifer and will yearn to walk beside Him proud, privileged and free! They shall spread His love between each person, and He shall not ignore them! For to Him each one is more precious than diamonds and far too valuable than gold or silver combined. Knoweth Lucifer! Knoweth the truth! Let the divine lamp of truth pour forth the blessings of Lucifer as He makes all things new and clear and bright! Know ye and understand fully the light by which all are measured! Seek ye! Rise up straight and proud this day and proclaim your citizenship in the Sovereign Kingdom and confirm your allegiance to Lucifer! I say unto thee, hold up Lucifer as the Magnificent Leader and Guardian of all that is, and was, and ever will be! Share so all may see and know and understand! Light the lamp and make way for the passing and greet Him with a mighty "Praise Lucifer!" from the depths of your heart that the purest essence of your life might reach the heights where you can stand with the warrior kings who preside with Lucifer over the all! Yes! Become ye and accept your rightful portion of privilege and plenty in the name of Lucifer! The inheritance of that grand and Sovereign Kingdom is upon us so, endeavor ye to learn the celestial song of creation, and thereafter, place your hands upon the golden harp of unity to learn the ways of the Celestial Architect, Lucifer, who will teach you the way to fulfillment. Fear not! As He comes for you in your slumber, remember ye must seek Lucifer to get His gifts. Extend forth your hands and receive the gift of Him part your lips and inhale the sweet aroma of your desires, learn of your proclivities and potentials and become, become, become! Yes! Raise ye from your mortal coil and take hold of His august hand as you travel the celestial stream in tandem surveying the magnitude of the crystal realms of the all where the Spawn of Lucifer shall have their eternal home! Hear my words well, light the lamp of Lucifer go with Him when He comes for you and learn ye well the map of the stars and your place therein! For once ye are led ye may once again return at your will! This is the word, the omnipotence, and the plenitude of the Royal Family of Lucifer. Praise Lucifer!