Lucifer rising Book of the body
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BOOK OF THE BODY Creation. Everything you bring from the astral world of images into this perceptive world is part of your intellectual property.
Meditation. Thousands of theories and exercices, everybody takes out of every experience whatever s-he needs, life is experiencing,
when we're not experiencing we feel bored, remember that everything has it's equal opposite and it's as easy to feel good,
even when you're alone as when you are with friends or with your beloved. To accept yourself is mostly to take care about yourself as much you want to take care about someone you love, with the
same warning as for everything in life, don't loose yourself in the object of your desire or your desire will take over and
the energy will strangle itself. Open your mind and heart for the universal rythm, surf on the 'internet of the mind ', the universal free spirit
and you'll see that everything has it's cause and it's consequence, all problems find there solution inside of you and if
you don't get through, it mostly means that the problem is not of your business, create and step forward in your life just
by showing what you're worth in whatever you feel best like doing. Often it seems that , although you try your best, none of what you wished for comes through, that means your still
building up the energy it will take you to forfill your dreams or ' task ' in this life. You keep on adding, doing what you
feel that should be done and I assure everybody, it only starts at the moment you find peace with yourself, as well as with
your surroundings, you need the time and the place, the energy and the possibilities to do what you like, half of the problem
is to discover that limits are also beginnings from where you get more introvert when you have too much energy and not a direct
goal for it, turn it inside out and strenghten up your inner gastank, concentrating on the solar-plexus and getting all energy
distillated inside yourself. To know yourself is a nice start, the second half of the reflection is to bring all opposite powers and virtues inside
yourself in harmony and independent from any extern influence, make the circle of your emotions round and arise above them,
aware of the fact that they are there but being strong enough to reduce them to the minimum and to stay happy and healthy
in the centre of the possibilities which surround you. This is our best point of vieuw, seeing the astral and the material world from the same distance, look in yourself,
look around, feel the vibration of your inner universe and the rythm of this world. |