Lucifer rising

Book of soul

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 Origin of the soul.

The soul is created by the four winds of changing, these are the source and roots of all things, above and below and on them all being is grounded. By them the elements are found, Fire in the North, Air in the West, Water in the South and Earth in the East. Together they are the fifth element, Ether in which all are one.

This all happened at the same moment the first human being was created. Only when this was completed, form was created by connecting the material and the spiritual. The magician is the connection of the human and the universal being.

The four elements are the roots of the earthly and the sources of the spiritual.

The human soul is uncondensed spirit and the body is condensed matter.

In the first soul, the first awareness included all souls which would descend to this world, because we are all part of the universal free spirit, just like all cells of our body are included when ovule is being penetrated by the spermatozoon.

These souls are neutral, uninfluentional, as long as they didn't learn to percept completely conscious, they can not radiate their inner light yet.

 The conscious soul can develop by the discovery and the control of mind and body, as well as the natural instincts, desires as well as moral virtues, the knowledge and the harmony of the opposite powers.

 The stronger and the purer we develop our soul, the more responsability towards ourself and to the others we carry on our wings and the more energetic our influence on people we meet on our path.

Become a spiritual gasstation on the highway to wisdom and you will feel part of the universe. We don't have to get rid of the assholes, we all can try harder to be happy, any creature has a dark side full of fear, hate and anger, sometimes you eat the bear, sometimes the bear eats us.

Respect as you like to be respected. Your own revelation is the division in animus and anima, our completing parts.

 When two people beget a child, they create a fysical wrapping which leads it's soul to the tangible being where it will try to find it's way back to the original light, the insight in the universe.

From the four elements rises the fifth, ether or spirit, which gives us control on body and soul, astral instead of virtual.

Our own knowledge and experience becomes our wisdom and permits our spirit to develop and release.

 The androgyn soul : division.

--- All souls are happy and one inwardly, not yet fe-male,. The more conscious we get about our body and our perception gets experienced, we search the differences between the opposites, unconscious reaching for our destiny.

Aware of ourself, we see a new revelation, the division in female and male, our complete education starts, our fysical existens goes on, the mind as is an evolution, the soul our reference in the astral world , the mind mediates and our body percepts and acts as we desire.

 As an individual, we search for our place in the universe, looking forward to the reunion with our spiritual better half, which, once reunited, will become our complete aware soul, looking through all the delusions of this material world. Connected to the source, free of time and space, we enter eternity, the universe-wide-web.

 We make our own choices, depending thereon, we learn what we need to know and forget about what is useless, the reunion and completion only can be realised if we are prepared to get through whatever this world might bring , implicite perception of all aspects of life, a universal free spirit in a healthy body, dancin' the night away.

 Once we don't fight the earthly delusions anymore, we'll all discover our spiritual rebirths our own way, maybe every day, maybe today or just once in a lifetime, every soul has it's own destiny and it's own way to go.

 Every time we enter a new level, your next goal is the island you dream of, the image is brought to you by the celestians, to show you it's worth the trip, take a good look on your blueprint for paradise and make it happen. Money is only printed paper.

People who only care for earthly possessions, will never enter the spiritual level where you discover the reunion of both soul - halfs is the one true meaning of life.

Loosen up and get a clear vieuw on this world and how different it can be percepted. Souls which don't get reunited, will become lost souls , which will not be longer part of the peace and joy of life.

The human soul:

--- Open the gates, raise your heads, let your soul enter and open all the infinite files of wisdom.

We can not get to the knowledge of the Universal Free Spirit, without opening the gates of our mind and body, the chackras which reflect what we are on the inside. We have to enter as much files as necessary or possible, as we prefer. Only if we find our way and become part of the labyrint, we reach the sphere of eternal being. To be is the wisdom, to know only the path leading towards it.

The soul is the mediator and messenger between the astral and the material world.

 Once we get aware and in control, both worlds become part of our reality. In the twilight zone between awareness and sleep, we meet the celestians we search for, they give us our spiritual education, connect what we understand to what we are interested in, until we reach the level at which we are in the equilibrium of mind, body and soul.

The souls of the people which didn't live righteous meet inpure spirits, programs we load down but which are infected by virusses feeded by our hate, anger and fear.

These programs create a delusion of false needs which become a prison we can't get out anymore, showing us all that is impossible instead of all the possibilities in life. People who are not able to enjoy will never be happy enough to see the brightness of life and the shades of fate which keep us with both feet o the ground.

Let go the material delusion and wisdom will become your broom or bride.

The soul of the righteous knows the difference between powers and virtues and uses what's necessary or recommanded, every limitation opens up possibilities and gives information on the true facts of life and what we learned out of a situation is what we deserved and becomes part of our life. Once thought to swim, a river is a problem which can be solved without having to build a bridge if we only have to cross the river one time.

Back in our body, the messages are often confused and incoherent. and are often wrongly interpretated.

 Body as the possibilities, the mind which knows the limits and the soul get's to conclusions. If you want to locate your position on the surface of the earth, the stars can tell you, we only forgot how to read their messages.

The souls conceive the data of the celestians and pass it to the people. Once we understand the messages we might wake up at uncommon moments and feel a strong urge to write or to do things that have to get done, like the dishes, problem of all who likes to eat, just follow your soul and do what you would like to be done.

Profecies are the highest level, pure messages of the soul, the developed mind gets visions and the unaware just ' dream ', as a human being we can receive and learn to send our messages towards people.

When the soul leaves the body, it doesn't leave the body unattended, but only if we are released of all anger and fear we are sure we'll like ourself as much in the morning to continue our life.

Tempers and desires were always the reflections of our ignorance, they are part of life , but not the most important, only the most dangerous aspects because they get in control of our body and mind very soon.

As long as the soul is in balance with body and mind, it protects us and gives us warning signals if we enter a dangerous environnement.

It is the night which is feared by so many, for in the night there's no body or no money to get us through, we can only depend on ourselves while we get through all the unclosed files of the day before we can get any further, peace can only be inside of you because it's a state of mind we all have to gain ourselves.

All trials in life our there to get us along, once we understand what's going on we get all the answers we don't really need anymore once we're through, but than again, it's good to be prepared at all times. Don't ignore the facts of life, endure or enjoy them. The awareness is a bi-polar aspect of life.

Only by the painfull experiences we get aware of the body and open up for the powers and virtues of the soul.

People who stop dreaming were often seen as people who wouldn't live very long anymore, meaning mostly that we have to set our own goals if we want to continue our life.

When the soul doesn't bring information from it's travels through the astral world, it's preparing for it's last travel.

Death and soul.

 The last thirty days before we leave this mortal existence, we live without our soul, mission completed and no further options. This is the time we don't have a spiritual shadow anymore, released soul walking ..., the truth behind all the vampire stories.

 In this periods, all you caused retuns to the cause, all you have done and thought makes the balance. If you're a righteous person, the soul returns when you become affraid of death and makes the travelling light and easy.

 At the moment the body dies, there's a strife between the four elements which were united in this person, the lightening in the dark sky of fate, the cock crows three times, the sound can only be heard by the dying person.

At the last crow, all deceased friends and family tell us the results of our life by looking at the balance. If righteous enough, they will lead the soul to it's place, if not the soul is abandonned and will start all over again.

At this moment, the mind and soul get disconnected and all of our body becomes part again of the earth is was born out.

All souls transmigrate, turning around in time, as a stone oscillating untill it is released of the swing of limitations. The souls which have completed their spiritual task and are restorated keep following the universal rythm.

When the soul doesn't get to the level where the body is accepted and taken proprely care of, this soul becomes a soul errant, a spirit which lives in the light of other souls

A person who doensn't respect the unwritten justice of harmony, will never get to know the real soul before dying and will this way not be prepared at all. Only this way they get to know that the spiritual better half is our bride or broom which leads us to the altar of life, the world we live in, connected to the astral world were we came from and return to.

The universal marriage is the balance between your inner and outher life.

 Only at the moment we are no longer controled by any desire, the equilibrium is completed and nor the goal or the expedient can be a limitation.

The Universal Free Spirit, is the anima mundi, the soul of the world, which is represented in all beings as the part of it we can carry. The division in female and male is only there to reproduce life and to enjoy the differences or the resemblances.

The keys of our perception united open the gates to the astral world . Life itself is the code.


- NEFESJ : Body

The element which includes all instincts and fysical desires.

 RUACH : Mind

Moral virtues, knowledge and the the right to choose.

 NESJAMAH : Actual soul

Highest degree of the trinity, continues soul, breath, pure spirit.

 These three degrees pre - exist in the first of the four worlds, the world of emanation. During our life, they are constantly influencing eachother and the complete soul itself.

None of the parts is the soul but together they are.

 The body is completely connected to the soul and and is the only part which can make mistakes, therefor it is named the animal soul, for it contents all instincts and desires, which react on all fysical impulses, our body following it's needs by the purely vital energy, to keep the body going and growing.

Only if we get in control of or body, the gates by which we reach the mind and soul, although they are already part of the body, hidden under the material level.

They represent the three middle sepiroth of the tree of life, ascending from the Basis, the reproductive organs, by the Love - activity, the solar-plexus to the Crown of creation, the mind.

The Basis is instinctive and primary, all aware energy, pointed to the sexual and the fysical, only aware of our own needs.

 Love -activity is the level where we see the needs of the others first and get to the self by the others because it shows us the true value of our needs.

The Crown of creation is the highest principal, the head and the functions of the brain, the gate to the blueprint of being.

In the body there is no light yet, it is closely connected to the nerve -system and is ruled by the mind. The soul rules the mind and makes it alive, influenced and developped by the works of the individual it deletes the will of desire of the body.

At this point and not earlier, the soul appears as the light, influencing the body supported by mind.

The mind is the channel between the fysical and the spiritual level, the moral level of the intellect, the actual spirit.Transition power between the two extremes of the soul, unilateral and weak because body and mind are intertwined together, where the soul resides in a person's character, an abode which cannot be discovered or located.

Should a person strive towards purity of life, s-he is aided there by the soul, whereby s-he is purified and spiritualized and becomes a universal free spirit.

But should s-he not strive for righteousness and purity of life, s-he is only animated by body and mind, devoided of the soul.

 What is more, s-he who commences to defile is led further into defilement and spiritual assistence is withdrawn from them.Thus each is led along the chosen path.

 Body and mind are no separate elements but are part of one element with two aspects, the body got prepared by conscious control, not by denying and is the chariot of the mind.

 Once the mind get's in charge, to strive for justice and purity is the only possibility, otherwise the body and mind will never get connected to the soul.

The mind can enter the spiritual world but the completion is only in the soul.

The fysical and the spiritual spheres are a constant interaction through which we get very conscious, they get us knowledge, but not ( yet ) wisdom.

 Once we've developed the actual soul, we reach the most balanced level which, conscious or not, rules our career. Aware of our responsability, we can influence our own karma, adapting to any situation, to do what needs to be done without limiting ourselves unnecessary, in equilibrium with the peaks and vales of the universal movement , to experience and get above the earthly - human level, to take fate in our own hands, instead of enduring all external influences.

To live or to be lived is the only difference between esoteric and exoteric. Adepts are all people who decide for themselves and that is the secret of the soul, finally unveiled for the benefit of all universal free people.

This is the final equalizer, the beginning of the end of abused temporal power. It's about time we practice the first human right and start to feel equal again. Get above the earthly restrictions, get to know yourself and you'll find your place in life.

 Dedication to our task, to enjoy both the fysical as the spiritual aspects, abstinence as well as joy as two important ways to get in complete control of your life as well as the universe., awareness on the level of insight wich could unconsciously only penetrate our mind at the moment we leave for the eternal hunting fields