Lucifer rising kabbalah
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KABBALAH The 22 keys of the Tarot are the ancient kabbalistic alphabet, the basic connection between everything in life, material
as well as spiritual. The real trancedent is not the creator but the created, limitless eternal being, which can only be described by what it
is not. The true creator is the crown of creation, where all free souls are born. The creator has it's spiritual better half, an aspect of ourself which lives in exile in the astral world, the wisdom we
want to discover. The basic law of our world as well as the complete universe, is the law of antitheses. The reunion with the source depends on the reease of all souls, for we are all part of the chain and as weak as the
weakest part, depending on the unity of the contrasts. Only human beings can release a soul, not only by realising bth worlds but by becoming part of them. Anything can be a ritual, the target is transformation and renewing in time and space, if not animated it's a loss of energy.
The philosphical aspect of the emotional part is to know which are yours and which are part of the energy you want to use
to help somebody, so you can find your own way back and keep a clear look on situations. Transformation, the 'supernatural' concept of an unidentified universal free spirit, to release all the lightness of a
person out of the darkness of material being. This unborn spirit grows while we're awakening and is completed if we live the way our soul shows, we can get on this level
and experience eternity every further moment of our life. The transformation raise the original instinct in human nature from the level of tempers and desires to the level the mind
creates the harmony of antitheses and becomes part of the aware soul. It doesn't transforme what is wished for, but releases
the person of what is desired by others. The myth is the emotional image of these processes, the fire melting contrasts toghether, inspiring us even when we are
not aware yet of the impact, the archetypes are the gates through which our perception can locate our real place in life.
This emotional way is not the use of just sexual energy, but the complete amount of feelings, the real motive of our intensions.
To get in trance is part of the job, but be prepared to do what you want to do there because you are responsable. Transformation based on this balance, means to control our emotions completely, certain parts of people's 'truth' will
be very painfull and we can not take the risk of becoming part of the problem instead of solving it. Every emotion leads to
new levels, once we get in control an emotion, we can start with another aspect of the influences surrounding us. Every person carries a part of the sun, the solar plexus, source of all energy. Origin of the emotions. The myth creates the hierarchy of Celestians, free of time and space, from their dimension the more materialised world
which we experience get's it's structure and spiritual capacity. To experience is the meaning of life. By repeathing the myth - which tells us about something that happened in the spiritual world - we can interrupt the
earthly time and enter infinite time. Necessity of the myth teaches and ordains, cures life by showing us the fire of knowledge. Entering the mythical reality, we experience the original unity, the time where all things are in harmony, the timeless
universal harmony. If part of a person, an aspect of her/his life, needs releasing or curing , this contact with the astral world will solve
the problems by connecting them to the cause. No emotion or alliance with the spiritual is not part of the myth, it is the game our perception plays till we know
both opposite worlds. All we don't 'really' percept in this world, is guiding , for it includes our basic 'being'. The conception of the inner light, identyfied with the righteous and the equilibrium of the three-way balance before the
reunion with the spiritual half. Light has the darkness as partial aspect of it's being as undivisible datum, regognition of the positive influence
of the opponents as part of life and live the rythm. The value of the human perception can be found in the mythical reality of life : the life that is lived, knowing that the
myth is no dream or delusion, but the truth hidden beyond the veils of religion, enjoy your life instead of praying for a
better one. The future is what you make of your life, meditation ain't the same as wishfull thinking, open your mind and listen to
your inner voicesand you'll know what you need to know when you really need it. Metaphysics and mythology. 1. Eternity 2. Unity 3.Division of antitheses 4. Unity of antitheses Eternity is the nucleus of existence, the inexpressible and elusive darkness which includes the light. The infinite can not be known, it exists of non-existence. Lucifer can only be understood by what He is not, part
of everything, not as the soul but as the origial light to which all souls rise. He is the almighty, retreated in His fullness as the consequence of the Infinite and as absoluteness exposing the
non - being by creating the perceptible being. Lucifer is indescribable and cannot be approached by logic and is without structural quality. There can not be found a
trace and the only way to get to know the essence of the Universal Free Spirit. "The thought " is not yet the thought, but anything in which our thinking takes place. Lucifer is called ' the Lightbearer ' because without His light we would not know and it would be impossible to describe
what is the meaning of life, for the celestians cannot descend to the level of human knowledge, we have to rise to their level.
The original unity. The concept of the Infinite is the blueprint for paradise, much more than we all together could imagine. Tune in and surf
of the waves of the universe, causing your own Tsunami's and riding them. Light is only a position depending on the influence of the source it rises from, even unvisible light can be percepted
by the changing of the temperature. The crown of creation can be reached by the mind as active part of the emanating infinity, the part which goes creation
- bound, while the other part is unvisible, incomprehensible, refered to by the characteristics of the perceptible part. The crown of creation is extant for the mind and carries the other emanations of infinity, which carry and pass the blueprint
and some of it's qualities on other levels. The created which is part of creation, the Infinite in it's essential non - existence, the absolute not - being, no meaning,
desire or thought, because these connections have their limits and because creation is only possible by imposing restraints
and bound. It limits itself, otherwise the substance of being would have to be extended till all material being would be limitless
as the Infinite. In the sphere of non - being, only the perfect infinite is possible and by this relation the Infinite 's non - manifesting
and unperceptable non - being can only express in the crown of creation, keeper of the blueprint, universal destiny and fundamental
cause of all other spheres. The crown of creation is a power in it's most essential fullness, love -activity. It might be possible, inside the heart of the mystery of the Infinite towards we strive, we saw the gentle glowing
of the light, smaller than the point of a needle, the first point which transformed to a thought. In that thought all symbols
were engraved which became the other spheres and archetypes. From the middle, the spiritual half, Lucifer created the tree of life. The characters. Because the characters also represent the numbers, the are also used to calculate the word-number, by counting each character
and to count the sum again till there is a number left, less or equal to 21, to bring back any sound to it's essential value
in life. Aleph The being, the spirit, human and celestian, the unity, mother of numbers, the first substance. All these ideas are represented by the magician, the body with one arm pointed up and one arm towards earth. Around or
above his head there' s an aureole of light, the lemniscaat, symbol of eternal life and the universal free spirit. On the lips, the smile of sureness and in the eyes the look of comprehension. In front of her-him there are Swords, Cups, Pentacles and Rods, pointed to the sky. " The candidate - Disciplina - Ain-soph - Kether" -Education - Knowledge - Science- Beth The house of every person, the law, the kabballah, the first dualism, first question and answer, woman and mother. A woman wearing a tiara with the horns of the moon, her head veiled to keep the secrets hidden for all who don't
want to understand that everything can be reduced to a Virtue and an opposite but equal Power, the two columns, Joaz and Bachin. "The pillars of the temple - Wisdom - Residence - Knowledge -Philosophy ." Gimel The word, trinity, the fullness, firtility, nature and the coming through in mind, body and soul. The empress, a winged woman , always taking care of the universal soul, mother earth in all cultures, she who brings life
into this world. "Salomon's triangle -Comprehension - Physis -Fullness- Daleth "Tetragrammaton ( yodshévah) -Power - Condensation. " He "The pentagram - Ecce - Power. " Waw " The magical balance - 666 - Love - activity- " Zajin "The flaming sword - Control -" Chet " Realisation - Respect - Life -" Tet " Initiation " Yod "Kabbalah - Freedom - Active Power -" Kaf "The magical chain -" Lamed " Shamir, Stone of wisdom -" Mem " Non -fysical existence " Nun " Metamorphosis - Sphere of the moon - " Samech " Destructive energy - Samael - Auxiliator " Ajin " Magic spells - " Pe "Astrology - Inflexion " Tsade " Magic drinks and spells - Myths - Mystery -" Koph " Shamir, stone of wisdom - Sphere of the sun - gold -" Resj " The universal medicine -The rejected stone - Causuality " Shin " The prophecies " Taw "Summarize and main key to the occult sciences - " The 22 characters of the Hebrew alphabet also represent a numerological value. In the Kabballah they are devided
among three groups. 1: The three mothers: A. M.
ScH. ALEPH; 1. MEM; 13. SHIN; 21. Magician Death World Creation Destruction Harmony Birth Death Life The triple rythm 2.The entrance to the spiritual world. B. G. D.
K. P. R. Th. -2- -3- -4- -11- -17- -20-
-22- Mercury-Moon-Venus- Jupiter- Mars- Sun- Saturn If read after each other: " The curtain in front of all secrets", the planetary keys who lead to the highest spheres,
the archetypal world. These are the seven ' double ' characters, representing the seven planets. 3. The signs of the zodiac. H. V. Z.
CH. T. J. -5- -6- -7-
-8- -9- -10- Aries - Taurus - Gemini - Cancer - Leo - Virgo L. N. S.
O. SZ. Q. -12- -14- -15- -16-
-18- -19- Libra - Scorpio - Sagittarius -Capricorn - Aquar-Pisces The twelve 'single ' characters, representing the signs of the zodiac. |