Lucifer rising Book of life
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BOOK OF LIFE O. Universal " IGNORANCY " --- Creation "A teacher considers a genius an evil person which has no respect for him, starts smoking at fourteen, falls in love at
fifteen and starts to hang out in bars when he's sixteen, reading forbidden books, writing brutal essays, looks gibing at
the teacher once in a while and is noted in the schoolbook because of his rebellious and undermining activities." Herman Hesse - Between the paddles All it takes to discover what this life is all about is to listen to the celestians which approch all children who
see the beauty of life and don't understand all the ' rules ' in the ' adults ' world, is there more out there where the nice
feelings come from, who know's it and wants to tell me more ? Everytime again we end or start up at a point where everything seems to need a complete change. All people seem to
really care about is the look of everything and everybody on the outside. Is there more? Am I different from all the others
because I can't just accept ? Who are we ? Where do we come from ? Where are we going to ? Gaugin's universal question tells us all about the start
of our inner search. Some look around and see that their life is pure magic, others search the real thing in confusing old
rituals and symbols only known to them who had the key to translate them. Get in the labyrinth, the search will be the answer, at the point you become one with it, you won't need answers anymore
and live by the facts you created, always free to change them, with or without a reason, ' look at the world with children's
eyes ' as Matisse teached us , forget the limitations other influences want you to believe in, become one with the universe,
discover who you are and how you wanna be, life will teach you all there is to know, time can do so much... ( The Rigtheous
Brothers - Unchained Melody ) Feel the ' higher ' spheres, the less you become attached to things and situations the easier you'll get along with the
changes of the seasons, the stars representing the mix of different influences which make every personality equally different. It's not quantity but quality that brings intensity, wake up, look around and hit the road to your next goal in life, let
the path become the target, see, hear and remain yourself, whatever happens, for freedom is what you make of it, the more
pain you are prepared to take, the more joy will come in your direction. Impulsive, irresponsible and careless ? Not really the highest level to reach but certainly a good start because it takes
timing, risks and sacricfices to become a universal free spirit. Try it all, don't buy everything. 1. "MAGICIAN"- Active powers -- energetic- animus I WANT , everything immediatly, when we look inside of ourselves, the first thing we would wish if ' magic ' was ' real'
, once you locate an idea, everything is possible, to stay healthy and happy is everybody's eternal wish and the rest of your
life the greatest art is to enjoy all that is happening, both silence and noise, the living and the dead, get ' bewitched
' by the beauty of life, do what you dream of, make this world a better place and be the witch or magician of your own world,
if you want something to happen, make it happen, life is a game, not an endless battle against what we can't see but keeps
interfering in our lives. Do you really believe everything is coincedental ? What a coincidence that the tree of life IS the one and only matrix
of life, everything is connected and the way through what is not is what shows us the connection, this universal-wide-web
has been there since the first creation, tune in and see all that has been hidden for mankind, turn on, make your decisions
and release yourself of the limits of time and matter, the power of the pentagram is how you use the connections between your
senses, the five together are the sixt sense, where intuition, memory and deduction always show you the possible ways out
of any situation and it's consequenses, pick your choice and pay the price, all the energy it takes to cure a person or situation
will have to come out of yourself, if you want to take away pain of people, be sure you are strong enough to get through these
pains yourself, they might appear in the strangest forms, don't try to understand too much, keep on going, let nature do the
work in it's mysterious ways, focus on the possibilities and not on the temporary closed files which are in progress 2. "Spiritual Bride"- Passive virtues --- Universal shekinah, spiritual bride, anima of every person; the more susceptible you become, the more possibilities
there are, make your choice and change it if new horizons are ogle. Inside of her there's space for all your power, destillate
your own elexir of life and drink it pure. All opponent principles are represented in her, she's all heat and mother of the eternal light, bearing it before
it became aware of it's lightness, first duality and therefor the first life caused by Lucifer's primal movement, not subjected
yet to any influence. Where opponents are harmonic because of their diversity, they create energy and that's all it takes to live. Her crown represents the three moonphases, the waxing moon as a virgin getting ready to become a bride, the full moon of
the bride becoming mother and declining as a symbol of the dark feminin energy, all she gives birth to carries death inside
and that's the way life goes, making sure everything gets born and reborn every time. Two keys, one for the inner world and one for the external, we need both to reveal the complete reality and to get on our
way to freedom. She represents all beginning and ending of life, alpha and omega, united in the eternal spiral, images that show
us the way through knowledge, getting to know life by all it's opponent powers, once we' ve accepted that we are part of everything
we cause and therefor of it's consequences, realising the true value of all material and spiritual facts and learn how to
work with them. Become aware of the necessity of spiritual paths, every stage we get through on the spiritual level frees our earthly existence
of lower needs and helps us to do everything more accurate, time becoming our power instead of our limitation, the pointbreak
of the spiritual wave from where we surf along instead of paddling upstream. Get up that hill of causuality and come down
the mountain of wisdom. 3. "Birthgiving Earth" --- Let the idea come in and get inside your creation, life on all levels is connected to source and influences, the way
we experience and percept them makes us go ahead or turn around, live the world you created, feel reborn every morning, ain't
the dream as real as this world, half of our ' life ' we're in the world we'll return to as soon as we don't need our fysical
cover anymore. Connect your inside to the outside, if you feel blue, sing the blues, if you want to remain silent, so be it. Feel how
you belong to the earth and how it offers you all there's left of it's treasures, human nature is a part of nature, nobody
can decide for these billions of creatures , but they all can decide for themselves once they gave birth to their real, universal
personality. Ain't our first desire allways the arms of someone who cares, love and lust for life as the purest state of mind,
happiness is in the heart of the beholder. Not to be fysically alone, feeling desire towards and from yourself, find your love for life while you search for the love
of your life. Inbetween too much and too little, there's always enough... 4. " MIND OVER MATTER" --- ruler of our nature - freedom of personality " At the end, it's our desire we love, not the desired." Friedriech Nietschze. 5. " POWER OF PERCEPTION --- The use of sence - perception To see doesn't mean you're really looking, you have to focus if you want to get to know the details, registrate all visible
and unvisible, widen your perception and you'll understand that all we see is a delusion. To hear, we have to listen, to concentrate and to enjoy. To feel we have to touch or to be touched, fysical or spiritual.
Taste we have to try and to compare, before we swallow. To smell means we are experiencing the etheric aspect of the being. 6. " FREEDOM OF CHOICE " --- Spiritual and earthly harmony, the power of the hexagram, connecting the earthly world to the spiritual spheres. 7." UNIVERSAL RESPONSABILITY" --- Temporal power. Representing our relationship with the earth, four elements as our basic powers, with our spirit as the executive
manager. United they are the conveyance of our personality, which carries us around in our own life , connected to the macro-cosmos
and there is our opportunity to reign our inner world as we learn about the spiritual levels, just passing by and making the
best out of our life in our own special way. Every element represents the power to use it destructive or constructive, to control all the influences which surround
us and lead them in the direction we want, as long as the opposites inside of us are not harmonic, we'll never get anywhere. As earthly individuals and part of all situations we got involved in, most of them seem not to be really part of
us. We know what we have, better than we know who we are, power and possessions rule this world and we just try to learn about
the opposite world of wisdom and feelings. 8." CAUSE AND CONSEQUENCE " --- The responsabilities of freedom. 9. " ETERNAL WISDOM " --- The use of the mind. 10."INFINITE LIFE " ---To wish- to be -to have been - to be released REGNABO REGNO REGNAVI SUM SINO REGNO I will reign I reign I have reigned I am not reigned The eternal circle of all being, when everything we ever wanted lost it's value, we end up, knowing for sure that only
life is worth living for. Most people only realise this when it's to late, life is happening now and not in an unidentified
future somewhere else, enjoy your life while it lasts, surely there are other things than working, work is only interesting
if you help yourself as much as other people and if you enjoy your work as well as everything it teaches you. People still seem not to know that we are no robots, half of the world only knows from when to when they have to
work in a factory and all they miss about real life gets destillated into television shows. Carpe diem ( Noctem ) , cees the day ( night ), should not be misunderstood, we should look at this life as it was one
long day, every part being of the same importance and value, what we need now can be used now, because only by living this
moment we can open up the doors to the future, only if we create an emptyness, it can be filled by new influences. The biggest problem in our life is that it takes a long time to accept that we are part of life and that only we are responsable
for what we do, most of us try to proove the axiom of being and make their search useless because we can only accept and start
to enlarge our mind from the first level of awareness till it gets to complete control about all we are and cause. As long as we don't look at any other person as an independent individual , with own needs and a personal task, we
can never have a clear vieuw on our place in this world. Just be happy and all the people you share your positive energy with,
will multiplie it at the same time. The circle is human action, the centre is what we are, being aware of our own abilities, we can get the wheel moving
in a way we like it to move. Not what we want is most important, what we feel like we should do first will bring us what we
want when we are ready to accept what we receive. You can't pick up anything if your hands are full allready. Faith in yourself and in all we can not see will make sure
we get the best out of this life, concentrating completely on being what we are, only human, but willing to learn. It only depends on ourselves if we feel free or not, no excuses, just facts, feel free, be yourself and nothing but
yourself, instead of trying to unite people it's much easier and effecient to make people believe in their own universal personal
rights, don't judge, listen to them who have something to tell and tell what we know to them who like to listen, tell what
you feel and be open enough to change your mind if new influences get your opinion closer to the truth of universal freedom. Every decision is irreversable, we can only accept what we did before and change our situation by going into a new
direction, the moment we alter course we open up many new possibilities and we can follow any direction just as long as it
is usefull or necessary, only the time you use is the time you don't lose. If you don't like the weather, just wait a second. To change anything at all, you first have to accept who you are and what you are able to, then find out what's wrong and
the opposite power of the situation will tell you the goal, because that's the reason of dualism, to show you where a situation
can get you if you manage to turn the energy in the opposite direction. If you wanna dance, dance, listen to the universal music and let your body feel the rythm and the vibrations send
through your mind, vibrations is all we are and to change ourselves for that moment, we only have to open up and become part
of the vibration. If , sometimes, you really don't understand what's happening, just take a little distance and look on yourself as
you were another person and you'ld like to make this person happy, let the wheel turn by itself till you are able to slow
it down or to accelerate the movement as it pleases you. Wear your crown of dominion and use the sword of your will power, your look on this world only depends on the way you use
your perception, everybody's ideal world is a world where all you have to do is enjoy, if we all start such a life instead
of only dreaming, we'll surely get along better and make every moment more intense. The wheel symbolizes the contineous changing process, everything is now, our inside world grows if we give it bright energy
and release it from negative influences we can live without, you'll get out of life what you put inside, no more, not less. Create your own identity instead of losing it, this world is an illusion we all share, how you feel is what matters, let
the world be the world, become a wolf if you want and let the sheep be sheep, because they are the food demons live on. 11." THE POWER OF THE BEAST INSIDE " ---Tame the beast inside yourself by accepting it gently, transform your anger into the power of wisdom. 12." UNCONSCIOUS LIGHT " --- Nowhere to run until you become aware of your inner strenght. 13. "PHOENIX" --- Die and become - the end is the beginning - rise and shine. 14." INNER CONFLICT " --- Causal law of the universe, knowledge through experience. 15." LUCIFER " --- Equilibrium of human body, mind and soul, universal freedom. 16." THE LIGHTENING " --- Esoteric becoms exoteric, the universal initiation. Judgement that wil come over the world when all false religions will lose their dominion, the Redeeming Antichrist who
will come to release all humans from the yoke of obligations, the universal free spirit which will enter the minds of all
people who are aware of the fact that we only ' -have to- ' live and that nobody has the right to force any other person to
live for a reason different from happiness. For it is the last curve of this spiral, we are preparing ourselves for the great war against oppression, everybody is
able to free her or his own mind and nobody can stop us from doing that. Listen to your heart and you will be heared, united
by individuality we will overrule all rules. All executive powers are in your own hands, we're all created equal and the only difference of rank could be responsability,
you carry what you are able to , to do all that is possible, is all life could ask from people and which should make the whole
of this life more than the sum of it's parts. Lucifer makes us aware of our right to chose and that's the only real reason why all religions call Him the " Adversery
", for freedom is the opponent power of earthly dominion and dangerous for all who abuse their power to control people, politics
and religion therefor mostly are in control as long as they have the energy and faith of all the people who believe in what
they promise, although their promises change as time flies and therefor we only should believe in ourselves to reduce other
influences to the minimum. We all can jump out of the tower if we would like to, but most people are addicted to the square of material matters, represented
by the dark mirror called television, braindead from the moment you approche it's radiation, watching other people's story's
because we don't have the guts to create and live our own legends. To read or to write, that's the question. On the remains of the tower of obligations we can build our own spiritual tower of freedom, adding one stone every
day till we get used to it , once we did, we only reach for the sky, because we only use all that we leave behind to build
our stairway to paradise. The better we are aware of our position, the more control we have , look at your house as a stone reflection of your innerworld,
add what makes it nicer and get rid of what you don't need, everybody is her or his own redeemer and that's what Lucifer wanted
to show people all these century's, live your life, you've got nothing to fear but fear itself. Force yourself to remove the mask they want you to wear, act instead of dreaming, everybody can be a magician, spreading
love-activity to all beloved and protecting them from 'evil ', from all that is against life and that's the true definition
of any earthly limits, it's forbidden to forbid. Destroy the past and get a life is all that the tower represents and that's more than thousand books could tell. Only you
can protect yourself from the outher world and the best way to do that is to be who you are, show respect and you'll be respected,
share what you try to hide for yourself and the problem will fade away and you'll get some space to breath. Stop expecting, enjoy and you'll be surprised the whole time, learn by making mistakes as well as by trying your best too
hard, don't let happen again what you can avoid and life will be much more comfortable, we are alloud to make mistakes but
the quicker we learn their lesson, the sooner they will become unneccesary and therefor dissappear. Everything you can and will be is already part of you at the moment of impregnation. All you do becomes a fact on the moment
it's done, dream lucide, take the same amount of time to create as you need to enjoy, ginseng-energy and Champagne- smoothness. Make this world a better place and show how beautiful you are, aren't we all universal children, whatever you don't like,
ignore it and put your energy in what you like best. 17. " HARMONY" --- The falling star of hope. 18." REFLECTION OF LIGHT " --- The underconsciousness influenced by planets. This is the path which keeps us in the middle, into the centre of all active powers, initiating us in all the possibilities
, hidden in the astral world, just offered to us because we are willing to learn and pay the price called ' responsability
' which it takes to live with all the knowledge we collect. What we accept as ' truth ' becomes truth, as long as it doesn't
limit other people. The moon of our underconsciousness is the way to discover the most neutral aspects of destiny, interested but with
no further intensions yet 19. " AWAKENING " --- The inner light keeps everything alive, the bright and beautiful power, leading us to the inner source, infinite solar
plexus, the essence of energy, just there to be enjoyed, teaches us to be careful, too much of anything becomes negative,
medicin becomes poison on all levels if we're not aware of the doses needed. Sometimes to help means not to help, to make sure people find themselves or their balance by being left alone long enough
to understand the true value of warmth and light. 20. " UNIVERSAL FREE SPIRIT " --- Free your mind and the world will follow. 21. " SOUL -PARADISE " --- The completion of creation. The path we followed if we did look around in our microcosmos enough to locate more specific ' love-activity ' which gets
us going on our way to the next levels, formerly known as ' esoteric ', the forbidden fruits of the astral world, it's most
powerfull secret being the fact that we enlarge our brightness on the spiritual level by living this life as we want it and
not as it is recommanded by most people. Living life on the right hand path brings us victory over ourselves by giving us the opportunity to grow and to get connected
to the infinite source of universal energy. The discovery of our sexlife in higher states of awareness is hidden in this world, sex in any way gets us bright
energy if shared, bad karma if taken without giving, love can only be made if you are prepared to give as well as to recieve,
the more fysical energy we share, the more space we create for new spiritual influences which will bring us the peace of mind
called happiness. Foolish are we all, entering the astral world every night without proper preparation and with so much unneccessary luggage
that keeps us away from the light we want to discover, feel free and try to remember what's necessary for you to enjoy this
life as well as the wisdom of the nightly life on the other side, try to understand and read all you can find before you enter
this world completely conscious, for it is a universal library of facts |