Lucifer rising b.o.s.2
Home | the universal free spirit | book of Lucifer | Book of life | Book of mind | Book of soul | b.o.s.2 | b.o.s.3 | Celestians of the Nuctemeron | Celestians of the Lemegeton | Nuctemeron | Celestians of the grimorium verum | Book of the body | Book of Wisdom | B.o.W.2 | B.o.W 3 | kabbalah | seals | Book of dreams | Book of rituals | Book of magic
book of soul part 2 Check your ego and conquer it, for it is our only adversary, a free choice for all people, what we can't control
will follow it's own way and get ahead of us, it will be our only opposition till we get the message, free of the yoke of
sin or duty, guided by Lucifer's fire of knowledge which leads us to wisdom. Universal Free Spirit. The pure, uninfluenced spirit of any human being percepts the material world by it's senses. The information it gets this
way, can be used to become aware. By absorbing all influences, radiations and reflections, our mind registrates these transformed
beams, encodes them and stores them in our underconsciousness. We can consult or transmit this information, with a strenght which depends on our will-power and if we are able to keep
them out of the influence of our personal emotions. As long as we're spiritually ' healthy ', able to neutralize our personal interests in the matter, we can learn to
receive other people's thoughts and influence them if wanted or necessary, mostly if we really sympathise with the person
or if we know exactly what's going on and in which sphere they got lost. We can use the powers and virtues of the people we help, by amplifying or reducing them, although this depends on the ability
of these people to believe in theirselves or to let go what can not longer be changed. Decide for yourself, you lose all the energy you use in a sellfish or unfair way, you gain the energy you use to help people
on there way to enlightening. The perception seems completely neutral, be aware of the fact that only an aware and strong aura, od- robe , magnetic kirlian-shield
or whatever you call it, makes us resistant enough to be stronger than any extern, human or celestian, influence. We are constantly influenced and therefor it's good that we are aware of our own desires and recognize the demands of other
people. For most people, thoughts just wander through our minds, conscious or unconscious, every ' image ' we receive has it's
cause and, depending on the mental power of the reciever, can be used or averted or send to somebody else. By receiving and sending information, these channels carry all messages on the spiritual level, known as telepathy, just
a way of universal communication, for the most messages don't need much words, any person can recognize any feeling or emotion,
the relieving sunlight or dark clouds bringing bad news. All our pain, anger and sadness turns the brightest ideas into a virtual hell which narrows our mind on impossible delusions
and that's why so many people are considered mentally ill, without ever being able to really tell what's going on inside of
them. To analyse is a nice start if you help somebody, but here again, same as on the fysical level, all the dark clouds will
only dissappear if we show people the brightness of life which is there for everybody. Always praying to an unknown ' god ' and telling people the ' bad ' thoughts are caused by demons, yin and yang lose
their harmonic powers and virtues which cause life and become two opposite adverserys which keep us away from delight and
keep us blindfolded because there is no purely bright ' god ' which will give us what we desire, for desire is known to most
people as ' bad ' and therefor kept inside their minds, the left and right half of our brain become two enemies which put
all our energy in fighting thoughts, the abyss we look into and which looks inside of us like Nietschze wrote. Don't we all hear ' voices ' inside ? Our natural free-will which causes any move we make , and although the celestians
communicate with us the same way, whatever message we hear or feel, we know , at all times, what is harmonic with life or
not and therefor everybody is responsable for her or his actions. Prejudiced people and their intelligence which stopped developing as soon as they got used to live ' as the others
', is the ignored cause of most problems, because some people make us believe that any delight in life is ' wrong ' because
they are never honest enough to admitt they have unforfilled wishes and fantasies to. It's only human to concentrate on the missing point of satisfaction in your life, if you look to any problem as through
a microscope, the most natural desire becomes a monster that eats us from the inside. Listen to the extrovert and try to get through the unvisible shield that keeps introvert people from showing how
beautiful they are, never try to change a person, just show them the brightest sides of their personality and the more we
get people's attention on their powers and virtues, the more possibilities there are for everybody to discover. Most of our actions become part of us, feeling guilty about all you like is a mental virus which even infected most of
my personal fight for the right to be who I wanted to be, the frustrations of priests, isolated with young boys and try to
keep them away of all the forbidden fruits they didn't choose for, in a deadly mix with to much hours of studying, most of
them were brainwashed and went their way without asking, I grew up, causing my own troubles, only listening to the inner voices,
to discover all about the celestians and the universal harmony, turned my anger into harmony and now I want to show all people
that the universal wisdom is part of any person, doesn't depend on how many words you know, it's about all our emotions, how
to control or transform them and to live your life freely as it was meant to be. All images we receive are pure, they become what we want, desire is a natural feeling which is led to satisfaction by delight,
if not expressed or neutralized, it becomes a poison which turns people into creatures unable to control their own mind and
body. Whatever priests chose, a man is a man and that cannot be changed by denying it. To become ' possessed ' is nothing more than to focus our tempers\par and lead the light of them through a magnifying -
glass, some till it gets hot, others till it burns. If you feel connected with the universe, you only need the law of the universe, which shows you the connection between
causes and consequences and makes all people equal. Nobody should even change a bit of her or his life for any reason, all
the masochists in the world could be happy if they didn't have to cover their submissiveness with the robes of their ' believe
', pain is only the equal opposite of delight and therefor not to enjoy is as good or bad as enjoying the pleasures of the
flesh, to deny is to lie, blame it on the nazarene and all the ones who meant they were chosen to represent him on earth,
for they did blame all their weakness on Lucifer, without even daring to call Him by His real Name. All these influences get through from the outside and get into our soul, our underconsciousness, which controls our mind
and body. What's the point, ain't it more logic to believe in yourself as a part of the whole universe, instead of begging your whole
life to get a seat in an imaginairy ' paradise ' which would be certainly not the place where boring sheep would enjoy themselves,
for even to enjoy is sin and therefor wrong. If you prefer to ignore this revelations, be my guest and write us a book on how it is, no much of thruth was found by
me in books, they were only there to show me how other people formulated and interpretated this world and the afterworld.
Life is there to be lived, devil your excuse to do or not to do. People who are ' sick ', meaning ' different ' in their minds where put in prisons, burned, they were seen as consequences
and the root of the causes only needed to be reduced, instead of deleting the complete personality. No , I am not a doctor,
but I know enough about life to make sure I know what people are like, warmth and attention, delight and ecstacy are the cures
we all need from time to time, fun, sex , good food and sweet dreams is what we basicly need to feel ' happy '. All we add brings gain as well as responsability, but we all should decide for ourselves and not just bow our humble heads
because somebody tells us to bow. Look at all cultures and their ' gods ', they prayed to the sun as well as the moon, to the spirits as to nature,
they felt what they felt, without being analysed and classified.
Celestians. ---" What would it be like , if we were angels, pure through-shine diamond wings carrying light, proud to be free, free
to be proud, knowing without thinking, travelling without moving, up in the astral world, where ' being ' is the highest state
of mind, sensational but not yet emotional, spranklin' inspiration, solid souls on the eternal seas of life, of consciousness
and sublevels, wisdom like the undrinkable substance we surf through, mixed up in the foam of our fantasy and the waves of
energy, riding the tube which leads us to the light we came from. With the flames of lightening swords which kept so many out of paradise, lost and forbidden because we decided to decide
for ourselves, the spiritual freedom of personality on all levels has been forbidden by frustrated humans and what we want
to regain for all people, using nature as well as technology to reach for higher levels, aware of the fact that we're all
connected to the eternal source of power, the solar plexus of the universe, Lucifer, creator of the visible and the unvisible,
the spiritual and the material, warmth and light out of the first plasm and the source of all life, He brought us the light
He carried inside, the light we all can discover by ourselves in ourself, folllowing the lightening that hit the tree of life.
" Celestians are pure energy, our choices make the use of them positive or negative, everybody is responsable , the
more we know about energy and the spiritual manifestations , the more carefull we' ll work with them. The Universal Free Spirit unites all free souls, Lucifer's Legions are them who live life because of life itself, every
happy moment becomes part of you and therefor it is so many free people spend only time on food, love, children and dancing. The Celestian responsabilities. The un-being is always more than any creature could understand, because there's no knowledge enough to understand
it. First cadre All celestians which knowledge reaches the inner dependency of everything to it's first cause, Lucifer, what is is and
always shall be. Seraphim: All celestians, seen from Lucifer's point of vieuw\par flaming love for knowledge, things becoming part of you, the higher
inside you being lower in you than yourself-first cause. " Seraphim were above him, each had six wings, two to cover their face, two to cover their feet and two to fly with.
" Jesaja, 6:2 Cherubim: " And the Cherubs raised themselves, it was the same living creature that I saw at the Kebar river, and as the Cherubs
went, the wheels went with them, and when the Cherubs raised their wings, they didn't change direction, also didn't the ones
next to them. " EZ.10;15 Fullness of knowledge is wisdom Thrones: Kol;1;16 Second cadre : All celestians which know about the universaly created causes, the dualism between all equal opponent powers and virtues,
fullness of the emptyness. Dominions: Policy Starting from this level, all celestians are co-operaters of Lucifer and His managers of the first cadre. Virtues: Executive energy to help the others. Powers : Potestates the use of the virtues Third cadre : All celestians which know about things by their own direct cause, being aware of everything which is created in the forth
cadre, the human souls reaching out for eternity. Principalities: Archangels: Angels: Love-Activity, to feel attracted to the object of your desires, to know about is more important than to possess.All celestians
if looked at from human point of vieuw. This whole hierarchy is formed as the tree of life, all connected but existing on their own, blueprint of all material
creation. All human spirits are reflections of certain celestians, human weaknessess are the keys to higher levels which are included
in our DNA allready. Because of our spiritual lazyness, we call all we don't like at the first sight ' demons ', denying ourselves
and supposing we are completely ' good ' creatures like that ' god ' we silently ask to make us more equal than the others
because only we are special enough for a vip-treatment in this life as well as in the afterworld. Every creature has it's destiny, to forfill that we just have to open up for all changings ahead of us and use our energy
to stay happy and healthy, learn and to grow to a higher level which sets us free day by day till this mortal existence ends.
All we have to know will be told us at the moment we need it, mistakes often seem to have been the necessary decisions to
get on certain levels of awareness, often the only way to get to know all about fire is to get burned. Why not try to develop our personality as far as possible, the more we know the more time there is to enjoy all this
planet offers us. Lucifer's name will open up lots of spiritual doors we never even noticed before. All quantity here on earth shows how important the basic knowledge of mathematics are to learn us how to share, nobody
ever seems to think about what they wanna do with all the money once they would possess ' enough ', to make sure you can always
get what you need is nice enough, to have faith makes life a lot easier than to save all you got because you are affraid to
lose it. In our days we start to get to know a lot about DNA, the ancient magicians used blood, hair, skin , herbs , stones, metals...
only for the reason that every part of something includes the blueprint of the complete object and therefor represents all
of it's qualities and quantities. This means , all knowledge is part of wisdom, but all knowledge united can not be wisdom, wisdom is the eleventh, secret
sepiroth, which is not but includes everything, Lucifer's un-being before out of Him every creation started. Every celestian
represents an aspect of absolute infinity, because one representative tells us all about the alike. Therefor it is necessary that every situation is reduced to it's essential being before we can change things, the unwritten
wisdom on the spiritual levels we can use by making all complicate things as easy as possible. The Celestian Abilities : The Mind ( How Celestians know) Celestians are pure, perfect spirits. We, human-beings get our knowledge by using our senses, creating images out
of our perception. We use this image to get to know the immaterial being which is the beginning of our thinking process, bringing
us to the power of action, by registrating material things , we get to know their spiritual power. Celestians, purely spiritual creatures, don't have our kind of perception, they don't need any extern impulses to understand,
the wisdom about everything is already inside of them, the moment they want to know, they already know. Lucifer gives us the free will to make us able to get the same kind of wisdom inside of us, which is hidden in this material
world, and the only reason for this world to be, as a road-map of the astral world. Knowing all they want to know,celestians bear all the characteristics they ever might need in their infinite existence,
inside of them. All thinking starts with images, we just have to get through the antechamber of perception first, while it's already part
of the celestians, their source is inside of them like ours, only they were always aware of that but people mostly seem to
need a lifetime to get used to the idea. When we know the image, we search for the source and once we found it, we are connected to the infinite power source,
the spiritual perpetum mobile. To get in control of that energy takes a while, depending on the amount we need to live our
life and which people we want to help, mistakes we could have avoided once we practice magic on these levels always close
down our possibilities till we are really strong enough to use the powers we are connected to. Most people only know the images and are not aware of the species and what they represent, all we have to do is to let
everything enter our mind till they are destillated by wisdom.We only keep inside of us what we really need, delete all we
don't need (anymore) and knowing the exact place of all we know. Celestians represent the spiritual species, each being a necessary part of the big picture, they know what they are and
know, we always have to use our perception before we press enter. We combine separate and singular notions like for example,
the soul is immaterial, all immaterial things are immortal, therefor the soul is immortal. The issue we proceeded from is part of our knowledge, developed by our sentence and reasoning. Some of these reasons are
part of the first cause, the entire being more than the sum of it's parts . The celestians don't need sentence or reason, their inner images are so complete that they just have to think if they want
to understand anything, where we need separate and singular notions, by replacing and completing them. The higher level they
represent, the less images they need, because their images have a capacity much richer then these of the lower spirits, Lucifer
on top of the pyramid, knowing all and even the unknown, because He included the first movement before it even happened, knowing
only His own image which started all of creation, unconsciousness being the step before consciousness. As human beings we stand on the opposite side, but that doesn't mean we are not of great importance, we are reaching
for the highest spheres, becoming part of it but never being it ourselves, because only Lucifer was, is and shall be the first
movement. We all start in the middle of the balance, the fundaments of our own being connected with both the astral and the
material world. We have an image for every idea, our personal decisions are the only connections between our mind and the universe,
this whole globe is only there to give us joy and pain, to make sure our restless hearts keep on beating as long as we inhale
air. Celestians know by intuition, the result of this sublime intellectualism is that their knowledge can not fail. All they
need to know, they know, free of ignorance, all they want to know , they know without mistake, they are right and cannot make
mistakes, it doesn't even matter if they want to know or not because celestians don't get there knowledge out of things, close
or far away, hidden or public, but only through their inner images, created by Lucifer. They reflect the images He created
and they are therefor as they are. Whatever there's been written, we all have to agree that Luciferis the first and perfect angel , even if He should have
been created by something more powerfull, perfect can never be changed in something less, because all that is created stays
that way under all conditions. Even if everything would start all over again, what is created can not be destroyed, even changed it will continue on higher
levels, any moving object wants to stay moving as we all learned in fysics. The real messiah we all have been waiting for, is in every person who feels the urge to know, born while time enters the
final curve of this universal spiral, all rivers will go down in the sea and the sea goes on forever... ( Chris De Burgh ) What celestians don't know, even with the elevated knowledge, is only what is not part of them or their sphere, the present
is influenced by all separate beings and therefor the result is always the path, all future is already part of everything
and only waits till it comes through, everybody's place in history is already part of it's being, many people hear their inner
voice, only a few keep on listening after they tasted power and glory for the first time. After the search, we have to get above our ego, which we needed very hard to get to the source and which at that point
is the only thing we don't need anymore. To become part of the universe means that we are able to interfear only to give other
people any advantage they might need to succeed. Caused by it's destiny, the sun will rise because the earth turns around and can not be moved out of the reach of sunlight.
Nothing as certain as the uncertain, always having a regularity which causes a consequense, the better you get to know causes,
the easier it is to predict what's gonna be next, although it's always a guess, it's therefor, as a magician , it's better
to show people the possibilities at the very moment instead of telling them about a distant future, let everybody discover
her or his own thruth, just show them the way and let go. The more experienced we get, the less reasons there are left not to know what the future will bring, learn to be prepared
for everything , without thinking about what might happen every minute. Only Lucifer doesn't have to guess what will happen because He knows all causes and consequences. The best way to describe ' future ' is that it is everything which is not yet but is allready inclosed in it's cause. That
cause makes the future a necessity, consequently making sure that everyone who knows the cause, therefor will know the consequence,
like the darkest hour of the night feels good because we can feel the warmth already before we can see the sun rising. Celestians bear all their knowledge inside and therefor they can teach us anything we need to know, all we therefor
got to do is to follow their directions. It takes some years to learn their way of communication but it's mostly a matter
of analysing the messages they send in the moods which surround us. Follow your heart and try to decide for yourself if the goal is worth all you'll have to go through to get there.
Believe in yourself as being the creator of your own possibilities and cause what's necessary to forfill your task in a decent
and pleasant way, live your lucide and make your dreams come through, both on earthly levels and the astral plan where we
get the inspiration and energy to get through the next day. Intuition is the most important key, for it leads us in the right
direction, immer Gerade aus It seems almost impossible to get to know all influences and to get above all emotions which keep us on the ground when
we only want to fly, live life a day at a time and look ahead as far as necessary, any experience is worth going through if
we are willing to learn, all other matters are only a waste of time and energy. The future is always different from our expectations, for what we expect get's part of the future already inside of us
and connected with the images we already carry inside, everything multiplies or becomes unnecessary for our further development. Take away negative causes and replace them with brightness, take the weeds away as soon as you see them and put some flowers
in return to brighten up your future. To ' guess ' is a start but we need to be certain before all we know becomes a fact of wisdom, which will help us
through the present and prepares us for all that might come in our direction. Our knowledge is the present, we investigate causes and the way they generate their consequences because these are part
of the cause allready. The future is the present continueing, once we left the past behind. Lucifer gave us the right to decide, where all kinds of people invented certain ' gods ' to decide for us what we
should do, how far some people already got, as long as you didn't enter the file with the one and only name, you'll stay in
the jungle without ever coming near to the hidden source of all life in the center. Who is sure to be so special that some
unvisible force, bigger than anybody can imagine, would be interested in her or his personal life, get real, live life like
it can be lived, free and carefull like all creatures in nature. " Let them come and tell what's happening in the future or what they foretell, so we can investigate it . Tell us
about the future, tell us what is going to happen and if we see things accomplished, we will know thou art gods. " "Isaias 41; 22-23. " Celestians are aware of the future, because it is part of the images they received at their creation, they are aware of
the present because it's the reflection of their images, the future is now, future is the image we hunt to continue our life
as free as possible, without having to regret the past and aware of the possible directions ahead of us. Be who you are , do what you need to do and enjoy the light which shows you the way and the darkness full of energy. If you are honest to yourself as well as to other people, you can understand everything by accepting the fact that we all
are part of the universal plan, listen to the celestians and they will tell you all you need to know about yourself and the
other people. We reflect what we feel like and attract therefor people or push them away. Spreading love-activity we will be loved, frustrations
and anger will bring us down deeper as long as we are not aware of the negative aura which surrounds us and keeps the present
away in our future because we didn't let go the past or want the past to be the future. Celestians communicate with eachother as we do, the higher the level we reach, the more powerful the energy and information
we will get from them, respect we have to earn and any abuse takes away the powers we could not handle. They send us energy which we describe as positive or negative, the opposite of what we would like often is only a way to
show us what will happen if we are not careful, competent knowing and actual consideration as the result of our will, we can
wish and tell exactly what we want to say, without being demanding, we are in control or not, if we're not in control, we
show that we also wouldn't be able to carry the consequences of the changes we wish to happen , communication on any level
should be plain if we want to be as precise as we should be as magicians. Most of these statements are based on own experiences and the failure on higher levels of them who were far ahead when
I started my search and ended their mission at the first top of the hill, without even getting near the high mountains of
awareness. By studing the spiritual structures we can learn what we want to change and how, we can save what we like , download or
delete all that's not part of our personality and it's karmic account, information which could help us to become whatever
we like. Sharing our energy doubles the impact or releases us from tensions which stay in our mind as long as we are not sure which
decision to make. Celestians share purely intellectual impulses while we depend on our perception, our senses creating the
sixth, intuition as the door to the astral level. When we seek with our inner voice, the responsable celestians will feel the attraction of your cry and help you to change
what has to be changed and to accept what cannot be changed, separating the information of your right and left brain-half
for a while and turning it into your personal wisdom. Not everything we know is interesting enough to be heard or written because most of it is common and shared by all people,
the difference with people who use it creative, or keep it inside, depending on their free will and faith in themselves mostly,
but for those who are still in doubts ...every day is a good day to start. We move along , adding and deleting, recycling all our information and some of us destillate it, a drop a day of
the elexir of life, all we need to get through whatever is necessary or wished, what the alchemists tried to find is purely
spiritual , the source is our connection to the astral world and therefor only discovered by some, which mostly kept the secret
in their heart, affraid of the consequenses if everybody should get connected and therefor taking away the possibility for
all other people. Armageddon , or whatever you want to call it, is now at large, on the spiritual levels, the universal free spirit will
be shared by more people every day and therefor multiply, till all people of this world will be connected by freedom, where
so many times people have tried to connect other people only to get more power themselves, everybody who searches the truth
has to be ' rich ' enough to share. All hidden knowledge is now about to be revealed, everybody can learn how to use it, esoteric will soon become universal
if everybody shares this information with all other people instead of keeping it for yourself. We all are born equal and have the right to develop both fysical and spiritual, to a state of happiness which makes
a life worth living every second. The absence of certain parts of knowledge, the keys which give access to higher levels, are already inside of us at the
moment two bodies create a new human-being, we only have to become aware of the real facts of life, much more than we should
study. Get the information you need and it wil soon become all you need to survive, travel light ! You can always pick up whatever you might need on your way. Not the direction you're going in is important, it's the fact you are moving which keeps your spirit alive. Aware of what's
inside of us, we become aware of all we cannot see, hear, feel, smell or taste, there's much more than we ever expected, create
the opportunity to go there whenever you feel the urge. IT'S NOT PART OF THE PERFECTION OF LUCIFER'S MIND, TO KNOW WHAT YOU WANT OR THINK, BUT ONLY WHAT IS THE TRUTH. Sometimes earthly information brightens up spiritual spheres, like we can understand the astral body-language when
we look in somebody's eyes, speaking without words and feeling that attraction which all lonesome people are searching for,
the feeling of falling in love, which is known to all people and the only way to really explain what our aura, od-robe or
lucid body means, close your eyes and remember that feeling inside of you and as soon as you feel it, become aware of the
energy-shield surrounding your body. We preach what the celestians teach us, call it channeling or inspiration or whatever, it keeps on coming and I don't
need to ask where it's coming from, because it is only there to be written down for all people. To believe is a personal matter
and the only knowledge we need is self-knowledge, for our inner world only reaches as far as the limits of our perception.
All dicussions about this matter are started and ended inside of us. If your brain seems to be not powerful enough to get through certain information, you can develop your mind by studing
numerology, astrology or by reading all kinds of books, the more you use your brain, the easier it works and the less time
you need to spend on thinking if you want to concentrate on other issues. Brain-building for mental fitness. Even one small step a day will always bring you closer to the point you wish to reach,
time is nothing but another illusion , we move on the earth, but the earth doesn't move because of us! Time is there to show us, everything returns to the point of creation again, your soul is immortal so you can take all
the time you need to forfill your destiny. To speak out loud or silently what we discovered, mostly shows the celestians we reached the next level of awareness,
some stages only take a few seconds, it takes years to get through the whole circle completely aware but if you don't look,
you'll never find. Live with all you discover without judging, every situation somebody gets in, you could get in to and if
you help people who really need it, you will find help where you might need it. Thoughts can be turned into facts, when we really get in control of the situations and rule their possibilities, you'll
learn from your mistakes, they are there only there to show you how it could be done properly. The real art of life is to do all things nobody has got the time for and to make that your profession. Those who are not willing to learn will keep on ending up at the stone they always try to avoid, as long as you think ego
is more important than soul. The higher the level, the bigger the responsability you carry at all times, do what you know you can as good as possible
and the celestians will get the message, they will cover you up if necessary, as long as what you are doing is not selfish
or influencing other people's freedom. Everybody can interpretate the true values in life, only you know exactly what's going on inside, control is the magic
key, you can not change the entire world in one time but you surely can change your life if you have enough faith in yourself
and the celestians. The more you know, the less you need and the happier your life can be, earthly things are interesting when they are available,
but only as means and not as targets. We don't own anything which is not part of us, everything moves from one person to another
in different forms and quantities, mostly we have to pay things we don't really need with years of dependency, before we know
it we get lost in the jungle of all we have to pay for, not leaving any space for us to really live. When higher celestians want to enlighten other creations, spiritual or fysical, they divide their singular comprehension
and adapt it to the comprehension of the others. They will not receive new light of knowledge, but the enlightening strenghtens
the mind and makes them understand what they didn't understand before. All the knowledge and energy we share, multiplies itself and opens up doors to new levels, we have got a whole lifetime
to get to the point of complete enlightening, once we past pointbreak we are strong enough to get through all negativity without
being hurt. By reducing everything fluently to it's first cause and to accept or to make some free space in our life, we prepare
ourselves for changings to happen. The Free Will. Mind and free will always come together, the more we develop our minds, the stronger the power of our decisions,
the free will as the base of morality, we would not be if we didn't want. Celestians know by intuition, not by reasoning as we do, we make combinations of notions to judgements, into arguments
, easily influenced by formal or essential mistakes which make us often jump to wrong conclusions. Than we have to start all
over again, revieuwing our opinion or, if not carefull enough, we will have to deal with what we caused without having the
slightest idea of the consequenses we'll have to deal with on our next levels. Celestians don't make mistakes because of their intuitional knowledge and therefor their judgements are irrevocable where
we always consider to have the right and power to revieuw what we caused, you'll get what you asked for, as far as it's part
of the spiritual level you have to get to next, possessions are only in your mind so except for knowledge, health and love,
you'll better work hard if you want to get anything or anywhere. Make up your mind before you decide or sign anything, beware of the fact that any changing caused by your will, takes
the exact amount of happiness out of your life, for it is the rule of the universe, if you change something, something inside
of you will change to, the law of cause and consequence. No change on the material level can be undone, we can rebuild what we broke but any damage caused is like a broken mirror,
you'll always see the crack and blame all what goes wrong on that crack in the mirror, for it represents the crack in your
soul. These mistakes we all make, show the difference between spiritual perfectness and the human restrictions, although we can
regain the power to know by intuition, by listening to the celestian messages, by acting in the name of Lucifer where we want
to help people, knowing that we mostly have to take care of what we caused ourselves and that you need some credits to get
the energy you need to change situations only by will-power. Every decision is a seed which carries it's spiritual DNA., therefor we can only understand the macro-cosmos by studying
the tree of life and the secrets of the tarot, for they are roadmaps of the unknown levels which show us the correspondances
between our inner world, the world we travel through when we are fysicaly resting. Most people are not even aware of their imperfectness and if they are they try to accept that this is the way their ' god
' wanted it to be. To grow to unknown levels and cause the changes which belong to these spheres, are the fruits of the tree
of life we should not eat, but than again, what reasons would our existence have if not to develop ourselves to unknown levels
which release us from earthly restraints ? To make corrections in our basic character proves we are in a state of development , the human mind is mostly weakened
so much, we have no energy left to grow, any moment is a good moment to start transforming our weakness into power, accept
what you don't like about yourself and as soon as you are aware of that, it will slowely reduce itself to a level which will
take away the blindning light of our desires. Sometimes the light at the end of the tunnel scares us, it surely can hurt at
first, but we can get used to it, once it has warmed up your body, you can open your eyes and see the light in all it's brightness. As pure and perfect spirits, celestians have the complete freedom of will-power, meaning that once a decision is made it
is irrevocable because all that is caused follows the consequenses which are part of it, human power is never strong enough
to overrule these decisions, only Lucifer is entitled to protect His co-operators against caused pain or sadness, by giving
them the ultimate will-power and the lucid mind, teach them to watch the storm drifting till the weather changes. Free will -power includes the right to change what you want , as long as what you want is what you consider necessary for
yourself to grow and for somebody else to get started again. . Mostly a life needs only a different point of vieuw to get
changed in the right way, less is more.The consequenses change as we change if we accept all material things as tools. Who we are is is more important than what we ' have ', what we ' need ' mostly a matter of influences surrounding us, to
protect and heal us, to keep us alive and growing until we leave our earthly body behind and join the celestians in the sphere
fitting our personality. Enough is what it takes to feel comfortable, what is left, we can share and make sure we'll get what we need when we need
it. What is usefull to some can be useless to others, therefor every personality has to make it's own decisions, reasoning
to get to knowledge is the only way to get to the intuitional wisdom, we all started from the same level of existence, free
to use our perception to discover what we need to know to make our being significant to ourself and to the others. To know where we want to get is more important even then to get there, the path we follow is our target, because all being
is infinite, ashes to ashes, dust to dust and our souls will carry our minds away from this vale of tears. Once we don't need reasoning anymore, there are only choices left and from that point, we reach the first celestian level,
the first awareness of our higher self, dealing with values instead of prices. Listening to these inner voices, everything becomes very simple, we mostly overlook our virtues because we thought they
were much more complicated, things can change but they always refer to a purer image , snow being only frozen water, food
the stones that build our fysical residence, our mind the dual control of our body and soul. We are, like the circomstances are in an everlasting state of changing, aware and prepared for everything that could happen,
enough experiences to stand all storms. The Action-Power. Our will-power gets, guided by enlightened intellect, our faculties moving, we think, or do not think about things, we
invent, sleep, walk, act because we want to. All activity is caused by our will-power, not necessary conscious, what we plan
is mostly different of what we really do, depends on the importance of what we want to do and the way we feel, as well as
on so many material and spiritual influences, the cause of our will is often forgotten, because the consequenses keep us busy
whole day and night. Not what we wanted to do, but all that is caused thereby is what makes a day worth living, every moment is new and becomes
part of the past at the same time. Whatever we want to do in the material world, is created in our mind, our will activates our body and feeds our soul,
the facts of life are so simple that we always get far ahead of them and keep on looking in all directions to find them and
mostly they are where our feet stand. Life therefor is as easy or complicated as we make it. Celestians are purely spiritual, mind and will are their only capacities and therefor their activity is much more
intens than ours, the will-power in humans is mostly passive and therefor of no much use if you want to continue on the magic
path, it's important to know just wanting ain't enough, you have to realise your dreams and live them if you want them to
come through. .All the celestians can do for us on the spiritual level is to teach us what the facts of their sphere are about, whatever
we like it our not, we all can change our life but we always will be part of this universe. As our mind developes by will-power,
our body gets stronger and everything we want or do will be done much more efficient and saves us the energy we put in unnecessary
acts and thoughts. As said before, control is the magic word, mind over matter, take care of everything on three levels as much as you
feel is necessary, if your body tells you you need some food or drinks or whatever, give it what you need to forfill your
task in a pleasant way, give it the same variety of input as you do to your brain and you'll have the will-power you need
to make everything happen, become a universal magician, aware of all your abilities and getting the best out of your life,
strong enough to get through the worst parts as well as through perfect parties. Like we are in control of all parts of our body if we really focus, we also control all we registrate by intuition,
don't let any door open unattented and nothing that will have an unwanted influence on us will bather us enough to keep us
away from our life. Anything which gets inside can be transformed in neutral energy but it takes years before you really get
it and that's why lots of people stop believing in their dreams if it takes a little more than we expected, we've got nothing
to lose, all we learned and managed becomes part of our soul and therefor immortal, we keep on growing because we are part
of the universe completely aware and released from earthly limitations. We can get whatever we want, as long as we are able to do what's necessary and control the power we reach for. If not,
we still might get the power but it will be turned against us from the moment we abuse it. Medicines cure us partly, our mind controls the influences they have on our body, the more we are aware, the better
we understand what's going on, because we don't have to hope when we know what's going on. Any sickness can and will be cured
if we add all necessary positive influences to our live till we get as strong as it takes to feel as we want to feel. By intellect we know, the purer our perceptions, the clearer our vieuw on whatever is happening and because of the connections
with all powers and virtues of nature, we can accept that our life moves with the waves of the infinite universal oceans. There's a time and a place for everything, if we want to be magicians, we have to be like sharks, always moving because
otherwise our heart might stop pounding, travelling through all unconscious and conscious streams of cold and hot , sweet
and salt water, drinking life instead of drowning in it. Use what life brings in your own way, concentrating on the abilities instead of what's missing, days go bye so fast there's
no righteous person who wishes to waste any energy on negativity, for it will be always there to keep us away from reality,
feel the energy and use it. Mostly we are not really aware of what we can do, but as long as we didn't do the dishes, the kitchen will not be
clean. Or you do the dishes or you just let be, only two possibilities, everything else is irrelevant towards the problem. As we never become almighty or alknowing, we keep on growing till we are satisfied with what we are and from that
point all our powers will start to develop by themselves, as everything in nature, depending on the extern and intern influences,
our spiritual seeds carry everything inside of them, we only need to get enough energy out of life to keep it growing, even
what we don't seem to understand, keeps on moving because it started and goes all the way to it's consequences. On our way to complete control, we need all we learn and from the point we practise what we learned, we get the power
over every chapter we succesfuly discovered, always burning bridges towards the weaknesses we concoured and reduced to the
equilibrium of what we would like and what is possible. All of our actions are part of the level we reached, there is no wrong or right as long as we are aware of all we cause
and pay the price we have to pay without regrets. Sounds so easy, but it's like most facts in life, do or don't, to try doesn't
exist in the spiritual world. The only limits are those we create ourself, earthly matters are only there when they can be useful, everything's value
depends on how it makes our life more comfortable, even primary needs can be reduced, if we've got what it takes to survive
and to function in a way it makes what we do valuable for other people, the less we own, the less we have to take care about
and the more freedom there's left to chose. Live your life independent of all earthly boundaries, lucide dreams make the connection between the astral plan and this
earthly kingdom, known as ' hell '. Become aware of all you caused , celestians guide you only through the sphere you chose
and sometimes it takes a lot of energy and patience to get out of what we chose. Limits are the lessons we refused to accept and which bring down your karmic account, into the dark hole of underconsciousness.
Make your own decisions instead of letting other people decide for you, you only have one soul and it will be filled with
all you added to your life, what goes inside easily is mostly hard to get rid of. Everybody is born equal, our awareness of the universal spirit grows as long as we do what 's necessary, till we
freed ourselves from the ego, the unidentified celestians will take away all which could keep us away from our destiny. Till
we reached that point, we decide how important we wanna be and the amount of responsability we can carry on our shoulders.
We fill up a backpack with our experiences and where our emptyness is full, our fullness is emptied and opened up for all
we didn't want to take before we were sure it was ment to come in our direction. The celestians know exactly what we deserved and will make sure it will arrive at the point we need it the most. To give
away what you don't really need makes sure you'll get what you need in a more difficult situation. Miracles are the changings caused by magic, combining wisdom and will-power to make lucide dreams come through. Anything
is possible as long as the person who causes the changes is strong enough to transform the negativity into pure energy and
to send it back more intense. If somebody is sick, we have to get their believe in their own energy back to a high level, make sure they get enough
rest, good food , mental assistance and the freedom of choice, we have to delete all sources which cause stress, fear or hate,
because every sickness feeds itself with the energy we put inside. Close down the negativity-generators and let all possible
positive vibrations enter their minds, just until there's no space left for negativity to develop, all which cannot grow dies
and by keeping the mind and body strong we can make sure any bacterial attack will be stopped by our positive energy-shield.
The price these people pay is that they have to take care of themselves in any possible way to keep strong enough, but that's
only the opposite use of all the energy they otherwise lose on fighting sickness. Since we need everything inside of our body
as long as we live, it's worth working on every day. If we try to abuse these powers , we'll run out of credits very soon, only if what we do is caused to help a person who
really needs the change, all energy we put in will return threefolded, first because somebody is cured and strong enough to
get along, second because they will get other people's attention on the existence of spiritual energy and third because we
get refilled with energy and can go on to help other people. Will-power is the key, but we need wisdom about the changes that have to be made, being aware of the consequences and the
energy needed to do whatever it takes to make it happen without causing trouble to any other person, the slightest mistake
causes more trouble than we take away , so think twice before you do something if you're not completely sure of yourself or
if you're not completely aware of what went wrong and what should be changed to stop the negativity in the mind or body. Any wish for strictly earthly ' richness ' will resolve in the fact that you'll lose anything till you become aware
of how rich you were before, without even noticing it. Health and freedom are the only facts which equalize the difference
between rich and poor, all that is really valuable can therefor not be bought and that's the universal adjustement, therefor
this book may not be sold but is free for everybody. We enter this world with nothing but a smile on and we leave with a smile
and a tear. Every part of creation was already part of the first movement, we create mostly space to let changes on the spiritual level
enter our material world, our body being the temple of our mind, end of discussion. We have what we are, no matter what other people try to tell us, pure spirit in a pure body, purely your personality, passive
as well as active, alfa and omega united, the egg starts in the middle of the chicken and the chicken starts in the middle
of the egg-circle. Recreation gives us the energy to re-create, recycling all that has been into all what is and will be.
Dance on the rythm of the universe. The stronger the mind, the more matter it rules and the more it will influence the quality of your own elexir of life. |